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Game with MODS - can I apply newest patch ?


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Nevermind :-)


I make some survey, 1.03 is a crap, multiplayer worse than before,

so...............waiting for 1.04 :-)


But question still worth of thinking IMHO


Have a good day :-)



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How on earth can muliplayer (which I don't play, so I have no personal opinion) be that much "worse than before"?


I ran a test on the new files to see what EXACTLY had changed, so I'd know if I should update my mods, and I found like, one line that isn't in the readme file: Losing players get a smaller credit bonus than they used to. That's it.


So, almost nothing is different. Things can't get worse if nothing changes.


People sure can get whinier, though. ^_^


Oh, and singerhs is right; the text .dat is the only thing that might cause trouble.

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The text file is not big deal, especially for mods that added way more changes into it.


As for the rest, as seen in PFF forums, they patched mainly the Config file, so, we shouldn't have any problem. The MP issues are not .xml side but code side (obviously, otherwise we would have fixed them :)).


EaW:Total Realism in fully compatible for sure. The changes to hardpoints and the rest "balance" labeled issues have been already tweaked. One .xml conflict would be the spawning times, but that's already tweaked too. Yet, i cant assure for the rest mods...

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They changed the garrison respawn time (that is in the XML if your mod changed that file building).


They changed the hitpoints of the Tractor Beam hardpoints any changes to that file needs to be updated if you want to be on par with 1.3. Or just leave it alone.

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for a mod like mine which is meant for multiplayer use only i was very very relieved that i wouldnt have to make some sort of special program to allow people play my mod. and mp has actually gotten way better i have connected to every game since the patch(20 or so) so im happy :)

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Shouldn't have any issues as far as I know.


Basically mods are EAW 1.2 + Changes

Patch is EAW 1.3


If you place the Mod files into the data directory, the game reverts to

EAW 1.2 + Changes


So Mods will still run as per normal, but may not have the EAW 1.3 changes. But that is minor.

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