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Empire at War: Total Realism v2.0 --- get ready...


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woo hoo its back! good going Athanasios your mod is brilliant


Empire at War: Total Realism mod is a creation of A.Tsiolas (Athanasios) and M.Goran (Orao).


A single person can't do this all these hundreds modifcations alone. Now, you may ask me "and can two make them?"......heh, we lost some sleep to do it, but we're more than rewarded by communities support, not to mention that this mod is considered "bug free", since the small imbalance/bug issues reported are not categorised as "fatal bugs" :)

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Sorry to repeat my question, but I think amidst the whole "CE map" issue my question got ignored.


You know, sorry if this is a stupid question but how do I operate all the camera functions included in this mod? i read all the files and I didn't find anything about how it works...


Like, how do I get that huge birds-eye view, or the ability to zoom in and watch battles from the ground point of view?

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Heh, the truth is that i did see the camera question but i was in a bit hurry to extinguish the whole CE-fire before it gets out of control :).


Now, assuming you have wheeled mouse (you can assign keys to keyboard otheriwse):


1. Zoom in/out: Just scroll the wheel down (zoom in) & out (zoom out)


2. Change pitch angle: In other words, how to see from ground level, or 90 degree up-down, or see the horizon etc etc. Just hold Ctrl + Move mouse.


3. Birdseye views: Zoom out continuously for about 3-4 seconds (cant recall the exact value in code) to get the 1st birdseye view. Keep zooming out to get the (final) "extreme" birdseye view. Note that you must zoom out continuously to get these views, and this is done to avoid issues where a player would jump to birdseye view each time he zoomed out.


Hope that helps and sorry for my omission ;)

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Hi guys. If you read the readme file you will see warning telling you that the single player campaign can not be played with changed GC map. If you want to play it with mod you will have to use original files Planets.xml and Traderoutes.xml which were shipped with mod as well as Gameconstants.xml

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StealthWar, check LucasArts helpdesk and search the forums (tech troubleshooting and galactic discussion), you'll find the answer you're looking for since it's already posted (but cant recall the threads).


NOTE: The coming v2.1 will be released this Wednesday or Thursday. So people, if you got some more feedback before Wednesday/Thursday, state it NOW, so that we save some versions for more enhancements !

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I believe there is an error in the smaller campaign map. The one with 21 planets.


Apparently the rebels have a stretch of planets, streaming from Hoth - Bespin and a few others, that are unaccessible to the Empire. The rebels themselves are even trapped there. I think it's like a string of four planets, and there's no exit point to get to the other planets.


EDIT: There is a planet at the end of this "string" that is pretty close to the other core worlds (like Byss and Coruscant). The circle that appears when you select the planet also encompasses the other core planets, yet it is not connected to them in any way. Not through trade routes, regular routes, hyperspace routes or anything.

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Hello guys....


We came with hotfix for Galactic Conquest. It corrects access bugs for planets and it gives more freedom to the rebel player on 43 planet map.




You have detailed instructions on how to install these.


However don't use these files if you didn't install new GC Map.


@Bajsen to keep the original camera just delete file TacticalCameras.xml from gamedata\data\xml folder



As for ading more planets we will not do it unitl map edit is released.


Once the editor is out we are planning on redoing all maps space and ground together with adding more planets.

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hey 4 the v2.1 it would be cool to add some new planets to the map(its been done before)one mod added kamino and mustafar,that would be so cool-just an idea.

We could do this, but with no decent map edittor, it's pointless. The "new planet" will actually use current maps. We do keep such plans for future releases though ;).

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Quick question: In the screens, your lasers are the original ones, but in my game, the mod makes them more like the original movies (lines). Is this the way its supposed to be, or is the game screwed up?

The laser graphics are indeed changed to look more to the movies and that's how they are meant to be, so, you're ok.


Btw, i think my images are the same, cause i'm using these lasers graphics from day 1 :D. If you refer to the image below, the laser do look like the original ones, but that's because you see a screenshot from the "extreme" birdseye view; the tail of the lasers is not that abvious. Ill make some short videos later on, so, stay tuned ;)



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Hello guys....


We came with hotfix for Galactic Conquest. It corrects access bugs for planets and it gives more freedom to the rebel player on 43 planet map.




You have detailed instructions on how to install these.


However don't use these files if you didn't install new GC Map.


@Bajsen to keep the original camera just delete file TacticalCameras.xml from gamedata\data\xml folder



As for ading more planets we will not do it unitl map edit is released.


Once the editor is out we are planning on redoing all maps space and ground together with adding more planets.


thanks... i have played some more now and this mod is really awesome everything is some much better

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thanks... i have played some more now and this mod is really awesome everything is some much better


Bajsen, stay tuned for v2.1, coming this Friday or Saturday with way more improvements than you can imagine.


And one big thanks from us for your support on this mod.......we'll speak with "numbers" and not with babling ;)


It's been ONLY 5 days from the first announcement of EaW:TR v2.0 and:


1. PFF forums: 2350 views, 120 posts (5 pages)

2. LF forums: 2550 views, 100 posts (3 pages)

3. SWR, Filefront, Heavegames: 300 views each, few posts (not over 5 but they're kind of "dead" forums)


And the best. Within 3 days we gathered nearly 900 downloads (only from the main site - expect TR to be uploaded in LucasFiles, FileFront and Gamespot soon) ! Note, that v1.1 had gathered 280 downloads only after 2-3 weeks but its advertishment campaign was inexistent.

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Bajsen, stay tuned for v2.1, coming this Friday or Saturday with way more improvements than you can imagine.


And one big thanks from us for your support on this mod.......we'll speak with "numbers" and not with babling ;)


I will :) and i just wondered if u have done any improvements on the deathstar... I mean it was a huge disapointment in this game. it would be cool if you could command it and shoot with it on large ships and stuff...

great mod

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No we didn't touch to the DS at all. It would be completly unblanced since only Luke can take it out and that we can't change it.


well if u make it cost 40 000 and voulnerble to big spaceships like mon calamaris and stuff

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