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Question : Weapons from Super Star Destroyer Help


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I wanted to find out about the weapons of this ship, I see that in the Spaceunitscapital.xml file it mentions 2 abilities :


			<Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 0.8f</Mod_Multiplier>
			<GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> Piet_Energy_Weapon_Attack_Ability </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
			<SFXEvent_Target_Ability> Unit_Energy_Blast_Piett </SFXEvent_Target_Ability>
			<SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> Unit_Star_Destroyer_Energy_Blast </SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> 


and :


            <Mod_Multiplier>SPEED_MULTIPLIER, 0.6f</Mod_Multiplier>
            <GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> SD_Tractor_Beam_Attack_Ability </GUI_Activated_Ability_Name> <!-- GUI Command Bar support -->
				<SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop> Unit_Star_Destroyer_Tractor_Beam </SFXEvent_Special_Ability_Loop>


What I wanted to know is it possible to add multiples of these?


Also what is the general area that is needed to be editted to add more lasers to the ship?


I was messing around and did totally stuff up, as I noticed the opposition were able to shoot my ships from his base, what a mess it was.


Any help would be grateful, I am only a beginner at this, and playing around, thank you.



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Maybe the Super Star Destroyer should have a "Crash into Death Star when hit by an A-Wing" special ability.


Seriously was that the most horrible ship destruction in movie cinema history or what?


I think that THAT could be added as a special ability for the Awing, saving the "Stand around doing nothing" special for the Executor.

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