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everyone tells me the, mon calamari is stronger thsan the star destroyer , 1 vs 1, but i seriously doubt it, discussion around this plz,


also, alot of people use big utits against space stations, but instead try 15 squadrons of tie bombers, they wipe the floor with space stations, of course you loose some, but they take out there targets quick if they attack in numbers, any sugestions or questions?

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remember i include the squads that comes with the ISD

did you include or exclude them


think of this, a mon cali enters the area with just one ISD

what happens, the ISD launches the squads before the fight and of course they will be ordered to attack also

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everyone tells me the, mon calamari is stronger thsan the star destroyer , 1 vs 1, but i seriously doubt it, discussion around this plz,

Find out the same way I (and many others) did: Try them out against each other over and over again, and in many different kinds of tactical situations.


also, alot of people use big utits against space stations, but instead try 15 squadrons of tie bombers, they wipe the floor with space stations, of course you loose some, but they take out there targets quick if they attack in numbers, any sugestions or questions?

The most Tie Bomber squadrons you can have in action at once is six, as far as I know. This would be via either six Acclamators (pop=18) or six Victory cruisers (pop=18), each of which could have only one squadron of bombers in flight at a time. Five ISDs (pop=20) would provide only five bomber squadrons at a time.


On a related note...Playing the other side - but using the same concept of shield-penetrating weapons - ten Corellian Gunships (pop=20) tear down space stations quite effectively, as well as everything else in space. And much more effectively than any 5 or 6 squadrons of Tie Bombers could.



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Most people seem to claim the Mon Cal beats ISD's just because Mon Calamari Cruisers lack shield hardpoints. However, I never attack shield hardpoints first, I prefer to take down hangars and weapons...or even blast the engines and sit in the enemy's blind spot, since shields drain quickly anyways. Some alternative tactics may even the scale between ISD and MC.

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  • 1 year later...

kinda late but, i think moncal COULD beat ISD. however it's not because it lacks shield hardpoints. that's why the ISD HAS fighter and bomber squadrons. This balances them and give a slightly different stategy between the rebels and empire. Do you attack with expendable fighters + bombers first? Or do you send massive fleets of capital ships to wipe out the threat once and for all?

As for taking out space stations, as long as you have a good number of anything, you could take a space station out with ease. I find them kinda TOO weak. I mean, there SPACE STATIONS! they hold thousands of fighters, bombers, and probably even dozens of capitals(the only reason capitals look bigger than space stions is because rescaling and all that stuff.) So i think they should have been given better credit. just my two cents...

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