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Corvette Squadron


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I'd like to create a buildable 'Corvette Squadron' with say 4 or 5 corvettes per 'unit.' I've been looking through various mods, at the different xml files (mainly squadrons). Is this idea possible? I'd make it more expensive obviously, I'd just prefer to have a group of corvettes under one 'unit'


I don't like it when I build a big fleet and end up entering a battle with say 2 cruisers, a corvette, a gunship a frigate and an assault frigate. Those smaller corvette units work far better in packs.

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if you want to leave the game balance in, you could copy the corvette entry in the spaceunitscorvette.xml file and then increase the Number_per_Squadron entry from there. the idea would be so that you could make a 'Wolfpack' of corvettes available at a later tech and then set the price to be something like the price of one corvette times the number per squadron. if you want to reduce the price a bit since you are buying in bulk, just multiply the final number by, say, .9 or .8 to get a discounted price.


but that part is all up to you. i just wanted to insert my two pennies. :p

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I have added more to there numbers but yet when i go ingame and try and build them there is no extra i am editing the <Number_per_Squadron>3</Number_per_Squadron> line but to no result

maybe somone who has been able to do this could post there whole part for one of the corvets

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working in SKIRMISH mode?








<Required_Special_Structures />

<Required_Planets />




















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Create a squadron entry in SQUADRONS.xml. You don't change the squadron count by changing the number, you change it by physically naming the ships you want in that squadron.


<Squadron_Units>X-Wing2, X-Wing</Squadron_Units>

<Squadron_Units>X-Wing, X-Wing</Squadron_Units>

<Squadron_Units>X-Wing, X-Wing</Squadron_Units>

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read the posts and heard someone did it with tartans, lol, tartan is suppose to be 600m long (and corllian corvett 120m, which is ok). the game already lack much realism as it is for having those small tartans, it would be insane to have squadrons, lol

anyways, the i made 3 corllian per unit in my own mod, in which everything is according to real scales, and it works fine.

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This is a really cool idea. A Corellian Gunship wolfpack by default...now that's scary! Hmm, I keep chalking up ideas for a mod of my own, and I think making all single Corvettes into three-ship squadrons with roughly 1/3 health each might be really interesting...

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