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Glitch with Racing (PC version)


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OK. One thing Ive really enjoyed about the original game was the racing. So naturally, I was looking forward to it in the sequal.


I successfully raced on Telos, then proceeded to the race on Nar Shadda (sp?) (You know, the one thats rigged by the droid.) I tried once, and forfeitted half way. Destroyed the droid, then tried again. I completed the race, but got the "forfeit" message from the alien. I tried again, same deal. I figured, whatever.


Then, I went to Onderon, and completed a race there. Unfortunately, I got a "forfeit" message AGAIN. Basically, It looks like I cant win at the racing ever again with this character.


Sooo... has anyone run into this, and is there someway to fix it other than starting a new character. Also, does Obsidian know about this bug? Its effectively blown one of my favorite minigames.




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