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Star Wars KOTOR III:The Sith Menace

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Jethro threw it and Jason caught it and put it in his robe.


"Well, we should check out more this base." Jason suggested.


"Agree, we should split up. Me and Silo take the North, Jethro and William take East, HK and T3 take South and Jason and Kate take West, everybody agrees?" Kyra said, waiting for an answer.


OOC: I hope i didn't miss out on anyone. :D

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She turned around to see Silo was already on his in. "Agreed. Come then Exile, we must press on." Silo said anxiously. Walking into a water chamber and standing looking at everyone once over and then cliped his saber on to his belt. "Oh and Jason, your form is excellent. Your agression was used constructively. I to practice Juyo but I also practice Niman the art of balance... the force is narrow you must follow your heart." Silo said mysticaly sensing Jason's pain.

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Silo waited till he was out of site of the others "I know who you are, Kyra Jedi Exile, your story is mine one chapter ahead. I wanted to tell you this when we could speak in private, when you went to Atris or were brought to her if you prefer, I was told by her you had killed several Jedi and that you were a danger to all Jedi around the galaxy, I was told to assasinate you, being always one step behind you on Onderon, Dxun, Korriban on which I had a rather bad experience with a Sith Lord, the list goes on and on. Finaly I followed you to Malichor V the site of your infamos Shadow Generator atrocity and then as the planet started to break apart again I rushed to my ship the Grace Ilusion and barely escaped, it was only after that, that I reailised that Atris wasnt truthful and for all of this I am sorry

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Kyra was indeed shocked by hearing this, she knew that Atris had fallen to the Dark Side, but to that point was truly shocking. She looked down for a while but then stared at Silo.


"I accept your apology, i also believed Atris, but she was only manipulated by Kreia, and i killed Kreia. Although i spared Atris for i believed she could be redeemed. Only the Force knows where she is now." Kyra told Silo.

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Jethro grinned as he faced William and said: "Well, let's go to the far east room, I saw a computer archive there which will most likely hold some information of the sith's whereabouts or operations. I think some of the others have something to discuss before we leave this place anyway, so might as well give them some time."

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When Ryan woke up he prepared himself to the tournament. He heard the anouncer saying that this was 16 competitors tournament, so it would be by rounds. Ryan's first round was easy, the time he had to beat was long. On the second round he had to be fully ready, because the time to beat wasn't easy. Ryan was very lucky, only 5 seconds to go, he was at full speed and got delayed by an obstacle, so he turned right and caught some more speed. Since Ryan was at the end, he won.


"The tournament is over for today, the more exciting races will come tomorrow! At the semi-final and final races!" He heared the announcer saying.


When Ryan saw Chad, he congratulated him.


"Great races Champ! Tough on the last one I know you only did it for the show."


"Ah, thanks Chad." Ryan thanked.


"Here, for repairs and supply." Said Chad offering some credits to Ryan.


"Thanks, but you know I will pay you back."


"Take your time kid."


Ryan's swoop bike got fully repaired, cooled and supplied. At the end of the day Ryan met Chad once again.

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Silo and Kyra walked into a small room a dark room with a flickering light, "I have a bad feeling about this..." Silo said seeing a faint figure out of the corner of his eye, and murmered under his breath, "Fool, forgeting Sion's training?"

Silo's saber snaped on looking over at the flickering spot seeing for a split second a dark robed figure. "Kyra we have an assasain..." he said slowly just then a red saber snapped on then two more, one assasian jumped through the air ready to attack, Silo in one fluent motion taking both his legs off and then directed his saber toward antother assasain, "We'll both take one,Exile... meet back here agreed?"

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Kyra nodded, ran at the assassin, jumped and flipped to his back in mid-air. She repeatdly swung at his leg and his head but the assassin kept blocking. He then flipped and tried to stab his lightsaber in her head but she Force Pushed him to the ceiling.


HK and T3 were scouting the area when suddenly, T3 short-circuited. HK, being natural with the assassin kind of things, used his photoreceptors to track down the assassins. He heard footsteps and turned arond and shot repeatdly to find out there were Sith Assassins on the loose.

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Silo's opponent was on his knees Silo's saber hilt on his head, finger on the ignition button thinking of executing his helpless opponent... his eyes going sadistic just then a blaster bolt took across the head of his opponent Silo's saber switched on as he turned to see where the bolt came from. He then heard a rhaspy voice say, "Die Sith SCUM!" another bolt coming strait for Silo blocking it right away.

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"Are you going to sleep?" Asked Chad.


"Yes, this was a very exhausting day." Replied Ryan.


"Well, you should, because tomorow is going to be a very long day."


"Ok, wait, where are you going?" Asked Ryan.


"I'm just going to take care of some bets." Said Chad.


"Ok, I think I'll go to sleep now."


Ryan went to bed, it took a while for him to get to sleep, due to the Swoop Race finals. To make things worst, he had that dream again. The dream of betrayal, death and his opponent eminnent victory over him. And it was very close, the betrayal and the betrayer.

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Jason and Kate were walking on their way, none looking at the other. Suddenly, they fell a disturbance in the Force. Jason ignited his lightsaber and rushed to the front only for a Sith Assassin to grab Kate from behind, knock her out and disappear with her. Jason turned around and saw she was gone.


"Kate?! Kate, where are you?!" He shouted. He then walked to his right and pierced the wall with his lightsaber, revealing a secret door which he walked into.

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(( OOC: Wait, are the stealthed assailaints mandalorians or sith assassins? O.o ))


Jethro was nearly finished downloading the base's archives to his datapad when he heard someone shouting in the hallways. "What the hell? William go see what's happening, I"ll follow you after I finished downloading the remaining data."

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Mandalorians? That's odd. And i'll be with you shortly, Jason told Silo through the Force.


"Mandalorians? That's strange, i thought the Mandalorian Clans where united!" Kyra shouted to Silo.


"And they are." A invisible figure said to Kyra. She looked behind her and saw a Mandalorian in gray armour coming out of his stealth. It was Canderous Ordo, the Mandalore.


"Boys, stop shooting, we've got them already!"

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Ryan woke up, and some swoop riders were still sleeping. "This is it, this is the big day. I must be very careful though." As Ryan tried to reveal somthing from his dream, the hours passed by flying. He passed by Chad, once before the race.


"Hey Champ!" Greeted Chad.


"Hi Chad."


"What's wrong with you? Had a rough nigth? Well here's something to cheer you up. Your 40% from the bets I went collecting las night" Said Chand handing Ryan 6000 credits.


"Wow, that definitly cheered my up! Thanks Chad."


"It's just your cut."


The time to the semi-finals had come. When Ryan saw the time to beat he said "That's a difficult time but beateble."

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"We wanted to see if you were capable. But the Sith are still in this base, hidden. We tracked them down. They appear to have a underwater base. Come Exile, you and your friend can follow me." Mandalore said before being escorted by his Mandalorian soldiers, followed by Kyra and Silo.


Jason was now in a underwater tunnel, outside he saw many fishes and some sharks. He continued until a door kept him there. He ignited his bronze lightsaber and cut the door down.

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Ryan entered his swoop. The announcer count 3...2...1. GO! Ryan immediatly started an tried full speed all the way. He knew that he had to activate full speed at least at the middle of the race, or he will have a malfuncion. Until the middle of the race Ryan only got to 50% of his swoop speed. When he passed the middle:


"Engage 100% speed!"


Ryan was almost at the end when a malfuncion error happened. Ryan could see the in the swoop's monitor, that the condicion whas geting red. It was a overload, if he didn't do anything the swoop would blow up! Then he had an idea.


"Engaging Safe full speed mode!" That was actually 90% of the speed of the swoop.


Ryan had 15 seconds to outrun his opponent, and he had 10 seconds to fully engage the safe mode, because if he do it now we will lose. 10...9...8...7..6...5...Suddently Ryan fully engaged the safe mode. To the end of his opponent time he had 10...9...8...7...6...5...4..3 and then he reached end. Ryan won, but this was a close one.

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The secret underwater base seemed empty to Jason. It was also full of salt water and he knew about the danger of the giant sharks that could take a good chunk out of someone. He carefully walked and entered a room with many closed lockers. He then noticed a larger one and knocked on it.


"What? Is that you fishy fishy fishy, eh?" A lunatic voice asked Jason.


"Fishy fishy? How long are you here?" Jason asked him.


"Your one of the fishies, aren't you? You should know! Ever since you crazy fishies got insane!" He shouted.


"Wait, i remember a Selkath going crazy thing, but that was...," Jason thought, "Man, your here for atleast 7 years!" He shouted at him. He ignited his lightsaber revealing the bronze blade of the Heart of the Guardian crystal, and cut the door down revealing a weak, old and fragile man.


"I won't get out!" He shouted.


"Come with me, i'll get you to safety. You want to come with me." Jason told him, waving his hand and carrying him.


"You know, i do want to go with you." He told Jason. Suddenly, Jason evaded a blaster shot and turned around to see a Sith igniting his lightsaber and putting his blaster pistol in his belt. Jason put the man down carefully, took out his cloak and took his saber from his belt. He ignited it and engaged combat with the Sith.

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