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Cut Scene's Nihilus Vs Sion [Spoilers]


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i mean its a lie , its not true someone on this board have told us this . but yeah this not official there no hided movie,cutscene in the game .


if you see something somewhere els then its mod .


iam on LA forum for long time and never heard about this even the BIOWARE one.

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It is a mod, but there is voices for it. So it should be in the finish game, but it wasnt. So someone used the script and voices and set it up to a cut scene.


ok prove it , if you cant then that your arguing is useless . i want to see that video. can wait to see this fake video.

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If you can wait to see this fake video then stop being such a jerk...


And it's hardly 'fake' if the producers had all the dialogue (spoken) recorded. The entire game is only worth it's script; the visuals are just extra.


ch0g0nda, please refrain from calling people "jerks", it is considered flaming and is against our Forum Rules. Thanks. :)

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If you can wait to see this fake video then stop being such a jerk...


And it's hardly 'fake' if the producers had all the dialogue (spoken) recorded. The entire game is only worth it's script; the visuals are just extra.


oh another usefull reply , please at leats if you have anything usefull to say hold your self.


here the link : http://forums.team-gizka.org/viewtopic.php?t=628&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=nihilus+versus+sion+scene&start=0


I wont see it until i finish my movie . but its a mod, there no official visual content , its just mp3 , this mode compile some fan modification with official mp3 content.

so this pointless useless and anyway if its have been cuts its for some reason.

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It was cut due to time constraints. Lucas Arts wanted the game on shelves before Christmas. Surely, if they'd been given the time to actually finish the game, there would be a cut scene featuring Nihilus and Sion.


What gives anyway? You ask for a video that may have been hiden in the program files somewhere (but not actually accessable through the game) yet whine and complain about a 'mp3' which contains more than enough info to paint a picture.


Official visual content? Give me a break.

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you havent see the mod your self , first of all i dont whine about its a mp3 or a video i dont care, i just said that a mp3 and its not an official proof cause i have all extracted mp3 on my computer maybe these content are hided or just self making , if you listen some of hk-47 mp3 on this website they sound so fake.


and anyway i never asked for your opition , stop been offtopic


my question was

i heard that some have seen movie's (cutscene's) , who you cant see , cause they got removed or got hided.


Can anyone tell me how to see them .

ill apreciate any kind of help.


like i care about what your think or wish .


maybe to much of the ppl on this forum are not old enough , or have some problem.


i ask question i dont want opinion's and i get warn for flaming ??? . its not me whos insulting . they warn me cause i told someone he begin to look like fan boy , i dint know fan boy is an insult.


anyway this forum is unstable and the moderator are not fair with them decision they take personnal side. i wont tell the name of the moderator . they dont even email/private message to explain them action and if they do they tell what you did.


its like banning someone and tell him [ you flamed your banned ]


funny forum.

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Your posts here are argumentative. You have done this to Skye in another thread and now Zat here in this thread... please stop.


You do not bite the hands of the very people trying to help you out by answering your questions, in the end you will end up with no one willing to answer you. :(


Lets all keep this forum a civil place to be, and not like this.


Edit: Just read your above post...


i ask question i dont want opinion's and i get warn for flaming ??? . its not me whos insulting . they warn me cause i told someone he begin to look like fan boy , i dint know fan boy is an insult.


anyway this forum is unstable and the moderator are not fair with them decision they take personnal side. i wont tell the name of the moderator . they dont even email/private message to explain them action and if they do they tell what you did.


its like banning someone and tell him [ you flamed your banned ]


funny forum.

Cut out that attitude DarthZayne or your stay here will be short-lived my freind.

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Redhawk i ask for question , did i have to make rules on each topic i will make ???


only answer please what i ask . i dont force anyone to answer i wont cry even if no one answer me . its the way of thing you ask your get answer , you dont get another answer or comment's or opinion's

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You have no right to complain about someone asking you to treat others civilly and to not call them names. I gave you some good advice about not dealing with the poster just the subject at hand.


If the answers you get here aren't to your satisfaction then I suggest finding them out for yourself.


Edit: This also might be a language problem, if english isn't your native language, please inform us, people will forgive things easier. :)

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You have no right to complain about someone asking you to treat others civilly and to not call them names. I gave you some good advice about not dealing with the poster just the subject at hand.


If the answers you get here aren't to your satisfaction then I suggest finding them out for yourself.


Edit: This also might be a language problem, if english isn't your native language, please inform us, people will forgive things easier. :)


ok i dont think been racist will help the cause bud.


first i never insulting no one here , shes/he insulting me , i made this post for informations , or i dont see the point of this forum .

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you havent see the mod your self , first of all i dont whine about its a mp3 or a video i dont care, i just said that a mp3 and its not an official proof cause i have all extracted mp3 on my computer maybe these content are hided or just self making , if you listen some of hk-47 mp3 on this website they sound so fake.


and anyway i never asked for your opition , stop been offtopic

Ok, I just downloaded the mod and watched it. The voices were authentic and as far as the animation I really wouldn't have guessed it was made by someone other tha Obsidian. I don't get why you want to have both video and sound before you think it's "official genuine 100% real content." RPG's are essentially novels for people who couldn't be bothered to sit down and read (for the most part). Having the authentic, 100% Obsidian produced sound for that scene was all it needed to gain credability. And if you watch it you'll know why it was left out of the finished game - it's a pointless scene that has no impact on the story at all.


I don't care if you asked for my opinion; welcome to the internet.


my question was

i heard that some have seen movie's (cutscene's) , who you cant see , cause they got removed or got hided.


Can anyone tell me how to see them .

ill apreciate any kind of help.

If they were removed and had to be partially reconstructed then it seems like you don't think they're "100% real/genuine/authentic/made of gold. So perhaps you should stick to what Obsidian actually released as a game and not what they didn't, but you wished they had, or something...


like i care about what your think or wish .
Again, with your attitude it's hard to keep myself from replying.


maybe to much of the ppl on this forum are not old enough , or have some problem.
Like you?


i ask question i dont want opinion's and i get warn for flaming ??? . its not me whos insulting . they warn me cause i told someone he begin to look like fan boy , i dint know fan boy is an insult.
You insult someone every time they speculate or relate info without a link. (A link, which they very well could have been the author of).


anyway this forum is unstable and the moderator are not fair with them decision they take personnal side. i wont tell the name of the moderator . they dont even email/private message to explain them action and if they do they tell what you did.
The mods do what all good mods do. They deal with the trouble maker...


its like banning someone and tell him [ you flamed your banned ]


funny forum.

Flaming is a road to being banned on many forums; not just here.
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whos insulting here , and bet whos going to get warn again .


hey listen ,first never insulting you , you realy dont look to understand cut content.


have you seen Star wars epi 3 dvd with extra content this is official !!

and yeah they are cut content. you look to be a Metal gear solid fan . iam to and i bet you never seen MGS2 extra content whos official . i already seen alots of crap and fake content made by fan's who want the story line different way.


like i said i want strong information not self making information. if you dont understand this then maybe you try to make your own game.


and anyway dont try to use post i did in diff forum . its just to easy , and i didnt know been a fanboy of something . is an insult i respect ppl been fan of something if i wasnt my self i wont be here and keep answering ppl even if they trash talk. know what i wont answer any question whos going to help someone , i wont ask for information who i wont get anyway .


i will do what i have to do, ill post the information i will bring with my video coming soon.



RedHawk its not a secret to anyone that my native language is not english and i already tell my sorrie to everyone and tell that about 2 - 3 time's even i try to choose my word carefully and iam pretty sure i didnt make any mistake about insult here.

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^ There's more to it than a language thing. Things that may not be offensive in your country/culture might be offensive in others. Trust me, I've made that mistake before.


Anyway, I believe the video you're talking about can only be viewed through a mod. I know it's real, as I've had it myself. Try looking around on PCGM. They have countless mods there. I'm sure it's there somewhere. I'll look for it myself, and if I find it, I'll give you the link.

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^ There's more to it than a language thing. Things that may not be offensive in your country/culture might be offensive in others. Trust me, I've made that mistake before.


Anyway, I believe the video you're talking about can only be viewed through a mod. I know it's real, as I've had it myself. Try looking around on PCGM. They have countless mods there. I'm sure it's there somewhere. I'll look for it myself, and if I find it, I'll give you the link.


Thanks you !!! i realy apreciate objectif answer .

and ill consider your advice i have lots of americain friend's who should help me to choose proper word , maybe i offence someone wiout seen it . then iam sorry . i didnt mean to . All what i want its aweken ppl and bring the truth nothing els. So iam sorry if i insult someone .

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I'm glad you apologised DarthZayne it shows your heart is in the right place. :)


I have a few points to make, please do not reply to them or I will close this thread as this is the final word on this incident.


ok i dont think been racist will help the cause bud.

You calling me a "racist" now? That is again flaming my freind... not smart. Especially that you are in fact flaming me... a mod.


first i never insulting no one here , shes/he insulting me , i made this post for informations , or i dont see the point of this forum .

Seriously, you need to leave the moderating to the Moderators and cut out that attitude.


People have a right to post their opinions, that is the point of a forum. If you want links and you don't get any then I strongly suggest you search for them on your own, but treating your fellow posters badly demanding links all the time is not the answer.


RedHawk its not a secret to anyone that my native language is not english and i already tell my sorrie to everyone and tell that about 2 - 3 time's even i try to choose my word carefully and

That's good, but you really needed to communicate this some more, as I haven't seen this declaration, and you called me a "racist" for asking... that is yet another offensive word or words used by yourself to another poster. Hence this is why I raised the language question in the first place.


You can not call people names... period. Understand this, "fan boy" and "racist" are flaming words. Just like a bunch of others.


Any name calling will not be tolerated! (This applies to everyone!)


iam pretty sure i didnt make any mistake about insult here.

Well you have, because "racist" is a really bad thing to call someone, in any country.


As you have apologised, I think we can forgive this incident today, but any further ones by you DarthZayne and you will recieve a warning.


Back on topic, any further posts on this issue and the thread will be closed.

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i didnt call you racist , wow ok i realy think you shoul calm down and listen what iam trying to say. i said been racist wont help the cause. that mean in my language that if we gona enter about the language or culture opinions its wont help .


Anyway next time ill post something ill bring some rules to my post .


1.no opinions.


2. no character fanatic Exemple ( Nihilus is the strongess , no one can match him . or hanhaar > Vandar even if you bring proof that hes wrong.


3.please answer the question and if you cant then , thanks anyway . and if i found it ill then post it.


i aked for link and i think i have the right to cause that movie is a mod.

and i found it my self cause , everyone look to talk about it but no one have it . funny thing.


and even i posted the link and still your hodling a false point. and if this forum is not democrat i think i have the right to give my opinion about moderator's and how they moderate the forum where iam , and i think i even have the right to report them with my review of the situation. no one have take the time explain in what i was wrong before doctor. wiout insulting me or telling me that i was insulting him.

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