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My turn

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This is my version of the weekly depression thread. rolleyes.gif


I just made an abysmally stupid mistake that I, of all people, should have seen coming.


To explain, my final exam in summer school (SF Writing) was today. Now, after pining (relatively) quietly since about mid-January, I finally worked up the guts to ask out The Girl.


My plan was perfect: I would finish the exam quickly (as I usually do), then get outside and wait casually by the door until She emerged. Since we're friends, I knew I'd be able to get Her to stop for some small-talk. Since our class/exam is in the late afternoon, She's usually hungry when we get out --usually She ditches everyone to run home and eat. To "celebrate" our escaping from the clutches of summer school, I was going to offer to buy Her dinner. cool.gif


I'm confident enough in my charm (and in The Girl's apparent fondness for me), that I'm sure I could have turned it into a fairly romantic date. The only problem (that I anticipated) was that I'd have to get The Girl and the Best Friend apart; otherwise it'd be the 3 of us (4, if the other friend managed to catch up).


You can probably see where the problem is.


I finished the exam at 5:25.

She finished the exam at 4:47. frown.gif


By the time I got outside, her car (and the Best Friends') was long gone. She's not taking any of the same classes as me next semester, and I can't get to any of the places She hangs at because She has a car (and I don't). She's moved recently, and currently has no Email. I'm moving in a couple of weeks and will have only intermittent Email, probably with a new address (Primus Canada is EVIL!!!).


I'll probably never see her again.


I made the same kind of stupid mistake I keep telling myself not to make: I planned and hoped for the best possible outcome.


I should know by now that the "best" of anything can never happen to me. frown.gif


Then, getting back to my oven-like apartment, I decided not to waste the whole night melting here. I'd go see a movie.


Rush Hour 2 is playing (fairly) nearby.


I can go to the 7:20 showing. Wait, my landlord (you remember him; the Doddering Old Fool) is supposed to be coming by to show the apartment, and I don't want to leave while he's here (he never remembers to lock the door after he leaves).


It's after 8:00 now, and he never showed.


The next movie is at 9:45. I can make it, and I'll get back here around midnight.


I have to get up early tomorrow because I'm getting a ride back home at about 8 am.


Why am I going back to Cornwall? Because (A) my mom believes that "Home is where the Heart is," and is convinced that I'm most comfortable in a backwater hick-town full of retirees, and (B) I honestly can't survive in this 42<sup>0</sup> heat; my apartment is like a blast furnace. At least in Cornwall they have more fans than I have here.


(Incidentally, this means that even if The Girl tries to contact me by telephone [if she hasn't lost my number], I won't hear about it until next frickin' Thursday!)


This sucks on so many levels. frown.gif



It's like I always say: When the going gets tough, the tough . . . switch to artillery.

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Gee, I know how you feel.


Im in summer school studing IAG I (BUT IM STILL SMART!). During lunch there is this girl that I kinda like and she asked me out. I said no (I barely knew her then). But now, I kinda want to see her again. Today at lunch, she said 'Hi Boyfriend? How are you doing?'. I said fine very quietly and stayed mostly quiet for the rest of the school day.


Now Im kinda building up the guts to talk to her.

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Real life officially sucks. But don't lose hope. You can almost certainly get in contact with this girl at some point. You do know her name, don't you? (OK, stupid question, but you never know. The world in a wierd, MESSED UP place.)


The point is, if you really want to see her again, then you will. Don't give up just because there's a bit of distance between you. So long as you put in some effort, things will turn out all right. (Yes, that was the pot is calling the kettle char broiled, but still.....)

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Suckiness reminds me of me.



The nation lie in shambles with thousands dead and millions injured. Why? You ask why this all happened? BECAUSE YOU HAD ARCHIE AND EDITH BUNKER DISCUSS THEIR SEX LIFE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!!!


Official forum Psychic

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

Wally the space dolphin launches a squadron of space barracudas of his own in support of the alliance's campaign to blow up the Nute head.

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Here we go (buckle up mortals, it's going to be a rough ride):


Originally posted by Flying Beastie:

I just made an abysmally stupid mistake that I....I'll probably never see her again.


The creature you refer to as the Gunray is familar with this scenario to an extent. LET US BEGIN WITH A TALE FROM THE STORY OF GUNRAY. One day our hero decided that he would pursue a female that he found to be, shall we say, GORGEOUS. She was cute, smelled nice, and wore earmuffs when it was cold. Alas, he knew little more than her name. Several attempts were made for her to recognized his existence. She did acknowledge that Gunray did in fact exist. Every day our glorious hero wished to speak with this delectible dish known as Jennifer. But every day he was the shy. So EVERY DAY he thinks "I'LL DO IT TOMORROW." Eventually, there were no more tomorrows. See? I knew what, er, he knew what he was talking about (almost slipped out of 3rd person).


I made the same kind of stupid mistake I keep telling myself not to make: I planned and hoped for the best possible outcome.




Why am I going back to Cornwall? ...I won't hear about it until next frickin' Thursday!)


BUT HO! THERE IS YET HOPE. You claim to say you'll probably never see her again, but there IS a chance that you will because there is the opportunity, albeit small, for her to make contact with you in some fashion. It could be worse. She could not even know your name, as it was with the Gunray's story. History has taught us NEVER to give up, even when you know you should. What if Julius Caesar decided not to cross the Rubicon? What if the glorious rebels during the US revolt had given up before they managed to turn things around? What if Hitler hadn't launched Operation Base Plate (bad example, but it ALMOST worked)? What if...I CANT THINK OF MORE THINGS. But what words does the immaculate Gunray have for us today? Let us view them in their full glory:




What relevance does this have? As long as there is even a SMALL, SMALL CHANCE that she MIGHT attempt to communicate via the email provided by this evil "Primus Canada" monolith, there is still hope. Our splendid future Emperor has no hope in his scenario (that is until his loyal secret police find her and bring her before him) because there is no way for he to even POSSIBLY believe she will attempt communication.


The Gunray has spend much time rambling on the subject and also attempted to play up the humor angle as much as possible because everyone needs to smile sometimes.

Now if you'll excuse the Gunray, he has to get back to propelling himself to sacreligious heights of power.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray:

It could be worse. She could have shot you or something.


With this girl, that would probably have qualified as foreplay. <small>That's why I like her.</small> wink.gif


Thanks for the advice everyone. I just squeezed an email out of Yahoo, so here's hoping.


There's a writers' con happening in Ottawa next week, so, with luck, she'll show up.


*sends a flight of TIE Defenders into Nute's ears to destroy the X-wings*

<small>This could only happen here, folks.</small>



It's like I always say: When the going gets tough, the tough . . . switch to artillery.

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Originally posted by Admiral Zaarin:

You do know her name, don't you? (OK, stupid question, but you never know. The world in a wierd, MESSED UP place.)


You have no idea how funny I find this. At work, there's SO MANY people we're talking about on any given day, that it's easier for us to just say where they work rather than what their names are. I mean, hell there's at least 15 SARAHS that work at the mall. Gets confusing. So things like "Hallmark girl," "blond at the pizza place," "short guy at the arcade," etc are common despite the fact that we KNOW their names.



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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I work with two line cooks named Robert, a floor manager named Rob, and a Mexican dishwasher named Roberto. You can't chuck a bread roll through that kitchen without hitting some poor Robert in the head!

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