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Knights of the Old Republic: Darkness Falls II - Alliances

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Jasra did a double take at Atton’s toast. “To those who are in love, and those who missed the boat,” she repeated. Raising a sceptical brow, she downed her Yslat beer as Atton was downing his.


The drums began to sound outside.


“Well, think that’s my cue,” said Jasra, setting down her empty mug. She took a deep breath, then frowned slightly. “Hope I don’t trip or something on the way through the circle. That Yslat beer works faster than I thought it would.”


“Erm…must be a reserve batch,” Atton said, as he discreetly pocketed the vial. “You know, special occasion and all.”


“Yeah, I guess,” Jasra said, shaking her head slightly.


“You alright?” Atton asked, arching his brows. “You know, it’s natural for a bride to get cold feet.”


Jasra glared at him. “I’m not a ‘bride,’” she said flatly. “It’s a bonding ceremony, not a marriage ceremony. It’s only a public acknowledgement of the bond we’ve forged.”


“Ah. I get it.” Atton frowned. “Erm… actually, I don’t get it, but never mind.”


Jasra rolled her eyes. “I’ve got to go,” she said, and she walked out of the tent.


As she exited the tent, she was escorted through an aisle of drummers by the two Omwati women who had been helping her get ready. They were dressed in full ceremonial garb as well, which meant that they were actually wearing tunics, instead of their normal skimpy loincloths. At least Jasra didn’t feel ‘overdressed’ in her beads.


She saw Brax standing next to the Zedai Peronus in the middle of the stone circle, waiting for her, handsomely attired in his rich Zedai robes. She smiled at him, but as she did, a strange feeling started to come over her. She put it down to nerves and went to stand next to him.


You look…enticingly beautiful, Brax said to her through their bond, and he gently took up her delicate hands in his strong gauntlets and pressed them to his lips.


"Let the Shssassrix begin," said Peronus.

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Atton slipped discreetly from the tent and behind the circle, watching the proceedings from a fair distance away. He found himself unable to take his eyes from Jasra as she strode down to the center of the circle, meeting Brax there. For the moment, it seemed everything was all kisses and smiles.


C'mon love potion number 9...


This had to work. It was possibly his only chance...and if that Omwati bastard got Jasra...


The pilot was forced to hide his hands in his pockets as they balled to fists, watching Brax kiss her hands. If he wasn't careful, he would lose what restraints he had...


Play it cool, Atton. You'll need your best pazaak face to pull this off.

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"Look at this place..." Kira murmured as Revan, Mical, the Valeyard, and herself made their way through the throngs of Nar Shaddaa, fighting their way through the streets. From what she could tell, they had indeed found their way into the black market district, and it wasn't very clean. Filth clung to the walls of the buildings and streets, cans and other garbage kicked to the curb like some kind of grotesque floorboards. More than once she could've sworn she had seen some kind of animal run from between one pile of trash to the next. "We have to be getting close. Please tell me we're getting close."


Revan smiled for the first time in what felt like days - though it had only been a few hours since they had left the TARDIS in search of Sorba the Hutt's safehouse. It only now hit him what had happened to him in the past handful of weeks. He had reunited with the woman he had loved as a Padawan, died at the hands of a blue-skinned beast, brought back from the dead, been thrown backwards in time, crashed-landed - again - on Nar Shaddaa, lost and re-took his ship, and proposed twice to Kira.


This was not how he had viewed his return to known Space. He had invisioned a much... calmer return. A meeting with the new Jedi Council, maybe a few welcome home ceremonies - the only thing that was even similar to what he had thought his return would be like was Kira. He looked over at her in the semi-darkness, gazing briefly at her features before returning his attention to the surrounding area. At least something was going right...


Kira noticed Revan's distant attitude and siddled closer to him. Dropping her voice, she quietly asked him, "What's wrong? You seem kind of...not all here."


He shook his head slightly. "It's nothing," he said. "I just... I'm having a hard time getting used to... everything. The Shards that never existed, the Doctor... dying..."


She took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I know what you mean...I still get these dreams...terrible things...Everything that I had done under the influence of the Shards...but I just do what I have done the past ten years: put one foot in front of the other."


He sighed heavily. "I can't see how you did it. After everything that happened to you... everything I did to you..." he trailed off. "Anyway." He looked around the area again. He felt a ripple through the Force, and followed it to its source. "The Hutt is nearby."


Kira turned her attentions back to their surroundings, and sure enough she could feel the Hutt's presence in the Force. Well...smelled, more like it. The presence of a Hutt was rather different from that of most other living creatures... "Wait a minute..." she murmured, glancing off to the other side of the street, "Is that...and Omwati??"


Revan squinted in the near darkness at the blue skinned alien ahead. "Brax??" he asked. The man turned around - it wasn't Brax, but it was definately an Omwati. He opened his mouth to speak, but he was hit in the back with a stun baton by a Gammorean thug, who seemed to be keeping tabs on several individuals. As they drew closer, he saw that they were approaching a slave trade - no doubt hosted by this 'Sorba the Hutt'.


((Kira chose this moment to sign out, so... we haven't worked out the rest of the post yet. :p We'll get to it.))

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"The bastard..." Kira muttered, "It's bad enough that he attacks and pirates these ships...but to take slaves and sell them like...like animals??"


"Stay calm," responded Revan carefully. "Maybe if we can both manage to control our tempers, we can get out of this alive - and with that Omwati slave there, as well."


She nodded. "Right. Sorry."


Gazing around, she took a note of the surrounding buildings. "There," nodded towards a door off to the side and behind the current slave line-ups, "Our wormy friend is in that building."


Revan approached the door, and placed a hand on it. Reaching out with the Force, he examined the mechanical locking device and found the weak point. He removed his lightsaber from his belt, ignited it, and drove it into the door a foot above the keypad.


The Valeyard smiled cruely. "You missed," he spat.



Revan glared at him. "I never miss," he said.


The Valeyard moved passed him impatiently. "Here's the keypad, here's where you hit the door," he said, pointing to both. "A hand span seperates them."


Revan smiled. "Try the door."


The Valeyard shook his head. "Alright, I'll humour you..." He tabbed the door release, and the door sprung open.


"I never miss."


Kira could have laughed at the look on the Valeyard's face. "Don't worry," she said, patting his shoulder as she moved passed him and into the building, "You get used to it."


The Valeyard arched an eyebrow as she passed. "Indeed..." He glanced once more at the lock, then followed them in.


So, Revan... she began, What's the plan? Are we just walking in there?


I don't see that we have a choice, he called back. But we're both armed, and I'm sure the Valeyard will have something up his sleeve.


Sounds good to me... she answered, adjusting the gloves on her hands as she continued to stride into the building, But I call point.


And why do you get to have all the fun?


Um...because you love me? she answered, looking at him and blowing him a cheeky kiss over her shoulder, Now come on or you'll be left behind.


That's what I keep telling myself... he joked.


You had better. she answered quickly. The room they had entered appeared to be some sort of foyer or reception area. Regardless, it was small and unoccupied. However, there was a door set into each of the four walls in the room.




Catch a Gizka... whatever... He moved to the door on the far side of the room and closed his eyes, reaching out with the Force and probing the room beyond it. "Six life forms... three of them are definately Gammorean..." he said.


Kira followed Revan's example and stretched out her senses into the next room.

"Alright, Mr. Bullseye," she murmured, "I've got him."

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As the Zedai Peronus recited ceremonial words in Omwati, Jasra began to feel more and more uncomfortable and nervous. Normally, she craved to be near Brax, and didn’t care who was around her, but now, instead of feeling brazen and open, she was beginning to feel sort of…shy in front of all these people. Almost… embarrassed.


Brax looked at her strangely. Something wrong? he asked her telepathically.


Jasra flashed a quick but nervous grin. I’m not sure…


In Omwati, Peronus was saying, “…with the acceptance of the Sskyeiv, so shall the bonding be.” Peronus then nodded at Brax, who produced a carved figure of a woman from underneath his robes and held it out to Jasra. It was carved from a native Omwati dark wood, and was similar to the figurine Brax had given to Jasra on Yavin IV in the previous timeline.


Jasra knew she was supposed to take it from Brax’s hands, but for some unknown reason, she froze and merely stared at the figurine.

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Atton watched the ceremony progress with little interest. He was getting restless having to simply stand still where he was, and his feet were starting to hurt.


Alright, any time now...


It wasn't long before he was rewarded for his waiting. What he hoped was the closing to the ceremony had come, and Brax had taken a trinket of some sort from his robes, and held it out to Jasra. Though he had no clue what it was or what it represented, he could tell it was important. The stares and sudden riveted attention from the surrounding Omwati was enough to tell him that.


Jasra didn't take it.


Before he could stop himself, the Scoundrel found himself wearing a statisfied grin, his eyes narrowing on Brax as Jasra seemed to have a bit of indecision.


Now what will you do, blue man?

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The silent tension in the crowd of Omwati onlookers began to grow as Jasra hadn't taken the token yet.


Brax’s brow raised. “Jasra?” he whispered.


Slowly, she reached out. For a tense moment, her hand hovered over the figurine…


A collective sigh of relief could be heard as her hand finally clasped around the figurine and Brax leaned in and kissed her.

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Atton gritted his teeth in a silent snarl, his eyes looking as if blaster bolts would spit out of them at any minute. If looks could kill.


He could've punched something right then. Hell, he felt as if he could punch a durasteel wall and have his fist go right through it.


SHE TOOK IT!! he growled to himself. How in the hell could she have?? The potion, it was working. He could've sworn it was --


He didn't use enough. That had to be it. What was it that Omwati woman said? She had said that it would be potent enough...but...


He shouldered his way through the crowd. He was going to find Sasshiv again, and get more of that potion. Brax was not going to beat him out.

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Brax and Jasra walked out of the circle to the cheers of the onlookers and the beating of drums. Now the party would begin.


“Something’s wrong,” Jasra said quietly to Brax as they passed through a column of Zedai as they headed for the party area. “I’m not sure what it is, but I don’t feel… right.”


“Have some Yslat beer,” he replied in a quiet tone, putting his arm around her bare shoulders. “Relax.”




Sasshiv, standing with the rest of the Zedai, bowed her head reverently as Brax and Jasra passed by her, and then she grinned. With a barely perceptible nod to one of the other female Zedai, she headed towards the hidden city.

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Headed back towards his room in the Hidden City, Atton stared furiously at the ground as he stormed away from the ceremony, nearly tripping on a rock he had seen but didn't avoid. Looking up, he spotted a familiar face ahead of him, walking in the same direction he was.


"Hey!" he called, and jogged to catch up to Sasshiv. His greeting wasn't very friendly. When he reached her, he grabbed her shoulder and yanked her roughly around to face him. "What the hell is going on? I thought you said that she would leave Brax once I gave her the potion! It's not working!"

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Without warning, and with little effort, Sasshiv pressed the Force against Atton, firmly pinning him against the nearest tree trunk.


"The strength of your anger and jealousy is admired, Albino," she said to him as she drew close to him. "But it is unfounded. The potion is working.” She nodded to where Brax and Jasra were in the party area. “His arm is around her. Hers are at her side. He’s touching her, not the other way around. A fair change from what we witnessed last night. Give the potion time. I gave you enough to dose her again if need be.”


Sasshiv looked at Atton strangely then. “You are untrained,” she stated flatly. “I sense the Force flowing within you, yet I sense no control. Why?

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"What d'you mean why?" Atton answered, struggling to move a fist. "I don't want to be trained. I don't want to be a Jedi."


With a grunt, he released a small wave of Force Push, a bit of his anger ebbing with it. Now able to stand straight, he adjusted his shirt sleeve.


"All I want is to see Jasra away from Brax and for Brax to leave her alone."

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Jasra was feeling the effects of the Yslat beer, but she felt something was still wrong. Every time that Brax pulled her close, or touched her cheek, or stroked her hair, it felt… different than it had before. It was still nice, and she still felt close to him, but she didn’t feel that overwhelming lustful urge she had felt just hours before.


And Brax was noticing.


“Is something bothering you?” he asked her, as he pulled her aside from the festivities.


Jasra shifted uncomfortably, and looked down at the ground. “No. Not really.”


Brax placed a gauntleted finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. “You’re hiding your thoughts. Why?”


She stared into his eyes for a moment, then said, “I don’t know. Something’s… changed. I don’t feel the same as I did yesterday.” She smiled weakly. “Maybe it’s just the Yslat beer.”


“Perhaps we should retire then?” Brax suggested.


Jasra nodded, and the two of them left for the Zedai Hidden City.

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Brax frowned faintly in thoguht as they walked, his hand lightly sliding around her shoulders, but she didn't seem very responsive. So eventually his arm fell to his side, he glanced around a moment, absently. His mind was open to her if she wished it, he was worried. Something was defiantly different about Jasra. But, maybe it was for the best? She seemed to be shying away from him, so perhaps the pheromone's weren't working as much anymore? That would be best for her, keep her mind clearer.


Brax galnced over at her for a few moments, "Why don't you go find Atton and tell him we're leaving in the morning." He said, "I need to go take care of a few things before we go anyway. And it will give you some time to think." He nodded and moved off before she really had a chance to protest. He was quickl into the hidden city, moving quietly through the halls.


They had not been planning to leave for a few more days, the festival wasn't quite over, and they had wanted to find out all they could. But Brax decided it was time to go, but where? To meet up with one of the othe grops he assumed, which was the question though.

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Jasra felt uncomfortable with Brax leaving her to go and find Atton on her own. She was confused as to why she was feeling the way she was, but thought that Brax might be right to leave her on her own for a bit. Perhaps it was just the Yslat beer after all.


She slowly wandered around the city, taking in the exquisite design of it all. The Omwatis were very artistic, and she felt a sort of reverence to be allowed to be here to witness all the splendour.


After about an hour of wandering, she finally quieted herself through the Force, and used it to seek out Atton. She found him in an exercise room—shirtless, and sweating, and beating the kriffing heck out of a training dummy with a practice baton. And, in the corner of the room, was Sasshiv.


“Pleasant evening, Jasra,” Sasshiv greeted her in a voice loud enough to carry over Atton’s grunts and thumps with the training baton he held in his hands. “Are you lost?”


“No.” Jasra frowned slightly at Sasshiv. She couldn’t read the Zedai’s thoughts, but Jasra felt a certain amount of wariness towards her. Then Jasra looked at Atton, who had now paused in his attack and, after exchanging a look with Sasshive, stared at Jasra with an odd expression of surprise on his face.


Jasra arched an eyebrow. “Having fun?” she asked him flatly.

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"Aw, c'mon, you know I love beating the stuffing out of a training dummy -- hell, I do it all the time." he replied sarcastically, though his tone was just as flat. Striding to the side of the room, he grabbed a towel that folded on the floor against the wall and began to wipe the sweat from his face, "Though, for a new bride, you don't seem to be too happy."

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"I told you I'm not a 'bride,'" she said, frowning at him irritatedly. "And I am happy." Then she realised she was frowning, and her frown morphed into lines of worry. "I'm just... tired. Too much Yslat beer, or something."


His back was to her as she watched him dry his body with the towel. She couldn't see his face to see what he might be thinking, so she attempted to lightly brush his mind through the Force....

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"Don't even try it." Atton warned, casting a look over his shoulder. It was as if he could sense what she was thinking...strange, yes, but...


"I've found new techniques over the past few months -- you'll get more than blocked if you try."


He turned to look at her. "Though, it seems to be more that you just being 'tired'. Jasra, what's bothering you?"

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Jasra shook her head. "I don't know." She sighed. "Maybe it's just too much Yslat beer, but I feel...odd." She grimaced slightly. "I feel... Jedi."


She paused. "I'll probably be fine in the morning. Speaking of which, Brax said that he wants to leave tomorrow. We still have a mission to accomplish, remember?" She turned to Sasshiv. "Is there any way I could have permission to look through your archives to see what else I can find out about Myrkr and it's native wildlife?"


Sasshiv shrugged. "You have bonded with the leader of the Zedai," she said matter-of-factly. "You can have access to any and all archives."


Jasra nodded. "Thank you." Turning to Atton, she said, "So, are you finished here? I could use some help."

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Jasra led Atton to the Zedai archives. Despite never having been on her own in the Hidden City, from her mindscape connection with Brax, she found navigating her way to the archives quite easy.


The archive room was small, compared to the library she remembered at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, but she found that the terminals held just as much, if not more, information.


"Wow," she said in awe as she browsed through the databanks. "I had no idea that the Omwats had this much history.... Oh, here. Look. Here's some info on the native wildlife of Myrkr. From an Omwati biolog..."


As Atton leaned over her shoulder to see the screen, she began to feel uncomfortable. She pulled her arms in tighter to her body, suddenly embarrassed by her attire, or rather lack of.


"...ical research team." As she felt his warm breath on her neck, she swallowed hard. There was something different about Atton. He no longer seemed to her like the haphazard scoundrel. He seemed more confident, stronger, more self-assured, and as he was still blocking his thoughts from her, he was making her extremely uncomfortable. "Erm... can you download this information about the Ysalmiri onto a datapad? I've... got to go."


She stood up abruptly, and left for the safety and comfort of Brax's chamber. And Brax.

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