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Endor. A dead planet ?

Guest Fondas

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Guest Fondas

After reading Curtis Saxton's report about the aftermath of the battle of Endor, I tend to believe that the Rebels did cause a genocide by destroying the Death Star II.

Come to think of it ,without resolving to physics, the fierce explosion of a station of that size in such a close distance from the moon of Endor, should have cause massive destruction, either by the debris attracted from the planet's gravity, or just the amount of energy released

What do you think ?


PS : You can read the report here : Endor Holocaust




"No matter how pretty the bait,

a hook is still a hook !"


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One thing that's puzzled me since the first time I watched ROTJ: Was Endor the moon, or the planet the moon was orbiting?


It's referred to as 'The moon of Endor', 'The Forest Moon of Endor', 'The Sanctuary Moon' and so on, and I've never been able to figure it out. Of course, the instant I post this, someone will immediately reply with 16 billion articles off the official SW site explaining it in astronomical detail, and condemn me for my blasphamous ignorance..... wink.gif

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Guest Fondas

Redwing, it's a very good and logical explanation,but...


The destroyed deflector shield station could be just one of many. By destroyng one of the matrix, they disrupted it, thus the whole shield collapsed. Rebels didn't have enough time to repair that.


If the shield generator was unique, it should have a backup which should have kicked in the second the primary was down.


Even if the second one was on manual, the rebels would have a very tight gap to activate it, since they didn't know exactly when the DSII would explode.



Zaarin, according to the films, the deflector shield was stationed on the "forest moon of Endor". So we never saw Endor itself.





[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited August 16, 2001).]

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Guest Thrawn

What's this? An actual topic about Star Wars? What is this forum coming to!


We never saw Endor itself, just one moon. Yet it's called the Battle Of Endor, just to confuse us all! One day Endor will become Naboo! Damn you Lucas!



"You'd have to use a ladder to rise to my level of crap!"


Rogue 6

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You could look at it this way, the expolision of the DSII could have been so complete no pieces of the Death Star were large enough to pass through the ozone layer of the moon, which could also have saved it from any kind of radition.



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb

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Dead center in the explosion (relative center to the observer) is a an L shaped chunk that (depending on the size of the death star) is anywhere from 10 km to 90 km long. That's EASILY a 'world killer.'

What TWO MILES is big enough to snuff out all life on Earth. So...3.2km is 'the big one.' And you're dealing with multiple chunks over 5km and some up around 10+.

Endor's dead.

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The easiest reply I can think of:


Star Wars in the movies has never bothered with the problems of debris.


All the explosions are complete, leaving no matter behind to bother with. It just doesn't make for good, exiting moviemaking. Otherwise, Lucas would have to take the time to explain why the Death Star wasn't pulverized by the remains of Alderaan flying out on the shockwave as it exploded, or why the Falcon wasn't damaged by the flaming wreckage of the TIE fighters Han and Luke shot down as they were coming straight at the ship.

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The Death Star was far enough from Alderaan that there was sufficient time to escape or change position to avoid Alderaanian debris, even at teh rate of speed the debris had, which was quite fast.

But with DSII, there's clearly debris and that debris had to go SOMEWHERE.

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Yeah, but that would have forced a change in the end of the film. The rebels, last seen partying down in the ewok village, would instead have been packing up and haulin' ass outta there, since they were so close to the shield generator bunker which the DSII was in geo-stationary orbit above they would have been under the rain of debris almost immediately.


Perhaps Luke, with the assistance of Yoda, Obi-Wan, and now Anakin used the force to divert the worst of the debris away.



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Yeah, good point.

Star Wars (and Star Trek for that matter) are less "Science-Fiction" and rather fall more into the "Science-Fantasy" catagory.

The story and the character are the key, and things like physics and the reality of what happens to billions of tons of steel when you blow it up in orbit over an inhabited planet tend to get overlooked, especially if it gets in the way if the storytelling. The novel writers can take the time to inject realism into the story without bogging things down, but it's much more difficult in a 2 hour movie to discuss the consequences of these types of actions.

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Well, if the moon of Endor has life, it must have a magnetic field, and a Van Allen belt of some sort.. otehrwise everything would need LOTs of sunscren.


Now The Deathstar has to be located in a geo-syronis orbit so the Shield can "Bubble" around the station. ( as seen in the holo )


50% of all the debries headed AWAY from the Moon. So then you had the remains of the rebel fleet between the moon and the station.


Radiation, and smaller debries would have been soaked up by the manetic field and burned up in the atmosphere (kewl light show)


Now... as far as that 90km L-shape chunk.. who says it was heading for the moon?


And according to one ofthe heir to the Empire novels.. The forest moon still is a living breathing palent full of life. Granted, theer could have been some scattered meteroites.. but not enuf to trigger a nuclear winter.

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Its a movie, Endor Surivies.



Theres your answer.



"Its Going down his leg i think we are going to have to amputate.

"No, dont take the leg, dont let them take the leg, they cant take the leg!!!"

"Its heading for his testicles"

"Take it, take the leg!!!"



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I don't like the fact that he thinks ISDs are destroyer-scale ships just because the word "destroyer" is in their name. Am I to believe the Death Star is really a star?



The nation lie in shambles with thousands dead and millions injured. Why? You ask why this all happened? BECAUSE YOU HAD ARCHIE AND EDITH BUNKER DISCUSS THEIR SEX LIFE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!!!


Official forum Psychic

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his explination cannot be considered true for a major reason. The final party by the rebels (and that is canon) couldn't of happen but it did. Hence endor's moon did survive.


Besides imagine how many kids would have Lucas if he killed off the fuzzy little Teddy Bears/Ewoks



"Dulce bellum inexpertis."

(Sweet is war to those who have never experinced it.) Roman Proverb


[This message has been edited by Admiral (edited August 16, 2001).]

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Actaully, "Death Star" was the code name Grand Moff Tarkin gave to the project.


Imperials allways refered to it as a Battlestation


in fact, in the radio Drama Liea, and Bail organa were entertaining a High rnking Imperial who was going to serve on the station. He was trying to use his status to woo Liea to marry her. Liea got rather aggitated and slipped the Code name for the project, The imperail immidiatly suspected they had ties to the rebels and Tried to have them arrested... during a suffle, he shot himself with his own blaster.. killing himself


Anywaz.. RotJ was suppose to be a Mega-Happy ending. It kinda puts a downer on it, if Ewoks are going to die.


There was at least 24-hours where the rebels we on the moon after the Death Star blew up, and there were CLEAR skies.

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Guest Thrawn

Star Destroyers are more like battleships. Death Star is a Space Station.

I would think smaller ships like dreadnaughts or something would be a destroyer.



"You'd have to use a ladder to rise to my level of crap!"


Rogue 6

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Guest Fondas

edlib You hit the nail on the head. Lucas always meant SW to be a space opera, not a science-fiction movie. Certain liberties were allowed and he never bothered with such technicalities.


But just for the shake of argument, let's just say that law of physics did apply to the SW universe, ok ?


Reading the posts above , I have some remarks I'd like to make



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