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Pub 28

Tomak Ta-Zak

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the armor restrictions thing is great, but i think it should be like a lev things. like after you become a lev 30, the restriction on armor comes off. I see level 5 commandos runni9ng around in armor that should and can only be woren by like a lev 70. but i must say it does help with the sales of armor sets. i sell more shock and storm trooper armor than i ever thought i would lol

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yeah i also am glad about armor restrictions. thought it was lame, i had tantel pre-nge then when i came back and wasn't able to wear it, was a bit mad and went out and got shock trooper armor.


my favorite things about publish 28 are the /pvp command and the armor restrictions...i think they should have fixed the other professions before doing the bounty hunters, cause now everybody is either a jedi or a bounty hunter, i'm hunting npcs until they fix the other professions...hunting the same 2 gets old so fast, and you have to usually resort to same-faction hunting, which i don't really like to do because i love being imperial...


one thing i wish they had done was make npc kills give you visibility on the terms, or at least make it so it counted faction points, make it so if you have an excess amount of faction points for a particular faction, you get a mark placed by the opposing faction. i really liked that idea, but i guess they didn't want the pve-only people to have anything to complain about. :(


they should make ANOTHER option, like one between combatant and special forces, that gives you tougher missions, like level 85-90+, and get visibility upon completion of so many of those, but also they should drop a bunch of good loot or buffs, which could be traded...this way players could choose to go the extra-mile, without going totally special forces, they'll only be hunted by bounty hunters, and there should be an option for neutrals to go that route as well. that way, they can go after some very good items and credits.


another thing i'd like to see is 'capture' missions, maybe have it so once you incapacitate a player, a special command like a crate or something like the energy-binders form around the player, and box them in, hold for about 3 minutes or so to get the capture reward...remember vader saying to fett 'I WANT HIM ALIVE. NO DISINTEGRATIONS'


of course i would like to see this take place after the other professions get fixed up, perhaps they could include it in the expertise tree, like one for 'assassination techniques' and one for 'capture techniques' etc......


also, a cool buff i'd love to see is the ysalamiri salamander, create a bubble around yourself so those damn jedi can't use their force powers on ya. that's another dream tho. XD

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rofl that ysalamari buff would be cool xD lol I can already imagine all the little jeedai kidz whine.


Good suggestions Rogue, I like them :) But I don't think they're gonna change the BH system for a while now though.


Concerning the removal of armor restrictions, I am very happy about it. It gives a lot more RP opportunity and alot more freedom around your character. Now we just need some skill trees and some collision detection + STAR WARSYness

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actually, they should just leave jedi as they are..i was nearly able to kill a fully-buffed one yesterday, i set my keyboard up different and lost cause one of the keys i was used to attacking with, ended up switching to my trandoshan lance. hopefully they'll give other professions ways to counter the jedi as well as countering the bounty hunter. of course, the expertise tree they're gonna add in...should give more ways to defend/attack, so no worries. :joy:

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  marvidchano said:
tomak i dont wanna be mean but this is a forum not a chat site...


Dude this is a general discussion of what you think of the new publish.:xp:


Well I like every part about the update, I agree though that there should be a level point where you can't wear any type of armor. Now I want to make a BH, Jedi huntin will be fun. :twogun:

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I used to love hunting Jedi before NGE - the buzz, the chase it was great. Then it was removed to be erm, well, replaced! Report back and tell us your thoughts



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i think they should give the officer or spy the ability to detect whether a player is a member of the opposing forces, as they obviously took that out of npcs (you know when it says you're on leave the recruiter says you can be sniffed out by opposing forces....ummm...right.) it would be cool if it could turn opposing forces to special forces....give more of a reason to avoid the opposing faction. :)

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well i used to get "sniffed out" (hah) all the time, i'd be riding through mos or someplace on naboo and an officer would tell you to stop and be checked, if you didnt they would attack (which was best cuz they were super easy to kill), and if you did and you were the opposing faction, you would get converted to combatant


was kinda cool, havin to run and cover, i dont know if its still in use though

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