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What do you think the storyline should be?


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I dont think there should be any.


I think you should startb of as a child & you have 30-40 hours of life *in real life* but in the game it is like a full life so you gorw old etc & you can do what you want be a mecenery join clans start clans fight in the war become a jedi, become a sith, become a sith lord, become a jedi council member.

Be a salveger be a Mayor or just be a person who has a famliy & kids so lke you could get married etc maybe not the kotor series now that i think about. Maybe just a game well nvm forget wot i just wrote lol!

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I think you should startb of as a child & you have 30-40 hours of life *in real life* but in the game it is like a full life so you gorw old etc

Sorry but I am against this idea... no ageing for our character it limits the game too much for me thanks.

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We are taken to a huge throne room where Revan (in his famous robes with the mask) meets the Sith Lord who will be the main villain in KoTOR 3. The Sith Lord tells Revan that he/she made a big mistake by coming there and says that Revan will die as the Exile has if he/she persists in his/her quest to stop the Sith Lord. They engage in combat and the Sith Lord triumphs. Instead of killing him/her the Sith Lord decides to spare Revan's life because Revan did fulfill his/her purpose - he/she weakened the Republic. He strips Revan of the armor, his/her powers and his/her memories of the Dark Planet's location (only the memories of the location of the planet, not the entire personality like in KoTOR 1), puts him/her in a stasis pod and sends him/her in a small unmanned aircraft back to Republic space.

What sort of wimp is this sith lord anyway? 1st he proclaims that Revan will die, then that Revan fulfilled his purpose and finally lets him go? As I suggested before: Give him a good reason and... no, that Revan fulfilled his purpose is a reason to kill him and not a reason to spare him.

What about that: The sith lord sees Revans true potential but also that he's stuck in his view and his "progression" and so he "breaks" him because he knows that Revan if he's able to regenerate will become even more powerful and because he was "broken" will be open to the dark lord's teachings. Then he sends Revan back, but he lets his spies keep an eye on him to see if his seed comes up.


and then once again search for clues of the location of the Dark Planet, the capital world of the True Sith Empire.

Revan could gain knowledge of the spies infiltrating government agencies (or something like that) and he needs to stop them and by doing this he collects clues. Of course the sith lord knows this but that's exactly what he has planned, because he wants Revan to come back to him to take him as an apprentice. Later the sith lord sends his own apprentice after Revan and by killing him (DS) or taking him to the Jedi council (LS) Revan gains the last clue. On the dark planet the story splits up into LS or DS ending, the DS ending being that Revan accepts apprenticeship but in the end of course kills the sith lord and takes over the leadership.

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What sort of wimp is this sith lord anyway? 1st he proclaims that Revan will die, then that Revan fulfilled his purpose and finally lets him go? As I suggested before: Give him a good reason and... no, that Revan fulfilled his purpose is a reason to kill him and not a reason to spare him.


Damn. How did I not realize what I was writing? A huge mistake on my part.


What about that: The sith lord sees Revans true potential but also that he's stuck in his view and his "progression" and so he "breaks" him because he knows that Revan if he's able to regenerate will become even more powerful and because he was "broken" will be open to the dark lord's teachings. Then he sends Revan back, but he lets his spies keep an eye on him to see if his seed comes up.


This is actually a very good idea. I like where you're going with this.


Revan could gain knowledge of the spies infiltrating government agencies (or something like that) and he needs to stop them and by doing this he collects clues. Of course the sith lord knows this but that's exactly what he has planned, because he wants Revan to come back to him to take him as an apprentice. Later the sith lord sends his own apprentice after Revan and by killing him (DS) or taking him to the Jedi council (LS) Revan gains the last clue. On the dark planet the story splits up into LS or DS ending, the DS ending being that Revan accepts apprenticeship but in the end of course kills the sith lord and takes over the leadership.


Revan would still have to visit different worlds as he searches for clues, but this time the feel of the game would be slightly different, because your main quests aren't about finding artifacts, or Jedi Masters, but about gaining knowledge through various means.

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