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America Under Attack! - An Article Written By Ryan Cole For "Horizons" Newspaper


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<small>This is the article I wrote for the front page of my school newspaper. I made mention of it in another thread, and here it is... Opinions are welcome</small>



<font size=5>AMERICA UNDER ATTACK!</font>



A great tragedy occurred in the United States of America on Tuesday, when two hijacked planes were deliberately crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on Manhattan Island in New York. Another jetliner was flown into the Pentagon in Washington, and a fourth crashed into a field near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in what is being called the worst terrorist attack in American history.


At 8:45am EST, the first plane, a Boeing 767, slammed into the northern WTC tower, and at 9:03am a second plane, also a Boeing 767, hit the southern tower. At 9:45am, the third plane, a Boeing 757, was flown into the Pentagon, destroying a section of the heart of America's military. At 10:03am, the badly damaged southern WTC tower collapsed, burying rescuers and the people they were trying to save under an enormous pile of rubble. Just before 10:30am, the northern tower collapsed in a similar fashion. The fourth plane crashed into a field outside Pittsburgh about an hour later.


The death toll is estimated to be in the tens of thousands, with 266 killed in the plane crashes alone. There are 202 firefighters and almost 80 police officers dead, and more are missing and feared lost. There are more than 200 dead at the Pentagon, and that number is expected to rise. Early Wednesday morning, seven survivors were pulled from the wreckage in New York, six firefighters and a police officer.


The effects of the attacks were felt around the globe. North American airspace was closed off to all nonmilitary aircraft, and all international flights to the US were diverted to Canada. In North America, Toronto's CN Tower, Seattle's Space Needle, Chicago's Sears Tower, and New York's Empire State Building were evacuated as a precaution against further attacks, as were London's Big Ben and Paris's Eiffel Tower in Europe. Trading was halted on the TSE, NASDAQ, and Dow Jones, and oil prices soared, with gas stations across America charging as much as $5.00US a gallon.


Tuesday's "Second Day of Infamy" is going to be the "Where were you when...?" moment of the 21st century. The day when the freedom of the United States was attacked, the world stood behind them, helped them up, and said, "Never again."

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Good job Nitro!



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with my life...


I want to be a pilot... and a radio DJ... and now a journalist.


I'm like 9 months from graduating (with an extra year to think about it already under my belt) and I still don't know what I want to do...

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Originally posted by Nitro:

I honestly don't know what I'm going to do with my life...


I want to be a pilot... and a radio DJ... and now a journalist.


I'm like 9 months from graduating (with an extra year to think about it already under my belt) and I still don't know what I want to do...


My dad was a radio DJ. Trust me, it'll get you nowhere, and make life REALLY tough for your family, if you have one.



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