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Everyone; It's time to say your prayers.....

Guest garyah99

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I don¢¥t know what will the target of the Tomcats because no air force in Afganistan (at least not very important), no target for the F/A-18 (only rocky towns the only tactical target is a guy with a portatile AA missile launcher or a rifle.

I hope that they know what they are doing.



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility

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Don't worry. 3/4 of the guys in charge were running the Gulf War, so they at least know the basics of what they need to do.



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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The point is: you want to get Bin Laden (dead or alive, I don¢¥t know), making runs with aircraft carrier¢¥s planes is not very accurate, this time is not a weapons factory or an airport, is just a guy that is very like to other guys here, I think that a paveway or a napalm bomb is not a great idea because you can hit the wrong target that can desencadenate a more huge danger.



"All your base are belong to us", "Surrender for your own good"

- Kanon Siege Forces, 2001

Kanon´s Robotic Facility

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The carriers are there for support to ground troops. They will most likely be used to "soften up" targets that are ground forces would be heading to.



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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Don;t forget that there are many camps that the terrorists have all over, and we are going to fight the taliban too......they have asked the entire nation of Afghanistan to 'prepare for a holy war'. So now we ARE fighting a whole country. If we are lucky we will get to see the F-22's first real combat test

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Guest garyah99

Bush has already declared that he will not only go after the perpetrator of the crashes, but the government or governments[/s] that are supporting, aiding or hiding them. There is a great deal of evidence coming out now that this is a global conspiracy. People have been arrested, detained, or questioned in the Caymen Islands, the Phillipines, Germany, Ireland, Canada, and about a dozen other countries. Of course these countries did not aid the terrorists, but it proves that bin Laden's network is VAST. There must have been dozens of people involved in the planning of this attack, and dozens more supporting it. The logistical requirements for this operation must have been huge, and there must have been at least ONE government, probably more, supporting bin Laden to pull it off. This has been in the planning for over a year, judging by the reports of flight training etc. The U.S. won't be restrained by having to protect Israel like they were in the Gulf war. They also won't be so careful about picking and choosing their targets. In Kuwait/Iraq, they had to be very careful about going after SCUD missile launchers and perform surgical strikes. The aim there was capitulation; to get Iraq to surrender and leave Kuwait. I believe there will not be as much concern about collateral damage this time around. I also believe that somewhere along the line, Arab countries are going to use this as an excuse to attack Israel. I also believe there are many more terrorist factions ready to strike. I just hope the U.S. lets their intelligence services do their jobs.

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Syria also has a few terrorists probobly still inside it's borders as well.


When Cuba condems an attack on the U.S., then damn. You know it's bad.



"Here, people don't lock their doors, they deadbolt them, and then stick a chair under the knob."


Rogue 6

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