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It's been doing that for a few weeks now, from time to time. I usually have to turn my firewall off and back on again, and then it works fine after that.

It's worse over RS.Net for me.

Good luck.


[This message has been edited by edlib (edited September 07, 2001).]

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I tell ya wut, I HATE netzero right now. I must only us the internet from work at the moment, because I had to wipe my HD, and then reinstall the netzero software (i know how to get rid of that annoying ad banner), but I now cannot connect to ANY of the netzero servers. I get nothing from tech support cuz it doesn't seem to exist any longer, so now every time I try a dial up, no matter the server, it tells me that they are having 'temporary system difficulties'. RRRRRRR

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The only time I really have a problem is if I'm downloading more than one song at a time.



"You'd have to use a ladder to rise to my level of crap!"


Rogue 6

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Guest garyah99

Pretty much the only time I have trouble getting in here is if I'm downloadin gat the same time. Then it won't fully load the page I'm on.

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Guest Redwing

Wouldn't let me post here for two days....



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Originally posted by garyah99:

Pretty much the only time I have trouble getting in here is if I'm downloadin gat the same time. Then it won't fully load the page I'm on.


This is exactly my problem. When I'm here (or at JK.net), I can't be downloading off Massassi, or from Darksaber, or from Audiogalaxy.



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I'm using a quantum heuristic processing AI broadspectrum media interaction agent from the future, designed by other AI programs for maximum efficiency.


Oops, did I just download all this porn, or was it the agent...? confused.gif

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Guest Borg Collective

Our connection is via an assimilated hirogen hypercomm relay, transmitting a data-stream through a temporally-shifted transwarp corridor.


Unfortunately, the corridor degrades unusually rapidly, and the hirogen satellite is a target for numerous forces. This is why we rarely post.



Resistance is futile.

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Again....my Internet browser decided it didn't like this place. This is the first time it's let me post in several days, and it won't display any smiles or other icons. Stupid IE...and stupid Netscape for not working...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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