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Forum DB errors

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I'm getting a database error when posting replies in existing threads and my postcount isn't updating. My post does show up within the thread but the thread shows an earlier post as the last post when looking at it from the forum page it's posted in.

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Ummm... so.... are any of you admins doing some database cleanup or something like that? My post count just dropped from something like 611 to 599.




In the words of Big Boss Nass, am I being "peunished" for my persistence in posting these kinds of threads? :D

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I doubt it, but you're possibly being punished for quoting Big Boss Nass.


Be patient, someone'll be along soon to help you out (or someones currently looking into it and doesn't want to post here until they have a clear idea of what's going on and whether they'll be able to fix it)

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Database errors tend to come and go due to the size of these forums; they're usually fixed quickly if not automatically.


As for the post count, I have no idea why that would have gone down. There is the possibility that a thread was simply deleted somewhere.

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