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I just ordered a pizza and I'm not sure it will ever get here

Keyan Farlander

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One day like, a few months ago... I like, drank 5 huge glasses of <font color=white>MILK</font> and like, I was like, "crap" and I puked. It was a fun day, that day...


On an unrelated note, I had pizza again today.



You know one thing that will really make a Jedi mad? Just run up and kick him in the ass...

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We do that trick at Young Life every year. We say we will give $100 to whoever can do it in an hour but it is imposible with all the lactose. So far in 4 years no one has ever done it. About 75% puke every time. smile.gif after about gettting half way through.

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yep, you might be able to do it with 2% and I'm sure the nonfat stuff would be do able. The whole stuff just doesn;t digest fast enough and pretty soon it will fill the stomach and then start back up the throat until it comes out.


you should see the kids volunteer to do it. We'll ask for 4-5 kids and every one of them thinks they can do it. Most will start to chug it and after about 15 minutes their puking. And the ones who try to take their time don't loose it for about 35 minutes. Everyone gets a gallon and their own 30 gallon garbage can. The room starts to reek after about 40 minutes. smile.gif

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it is truelly gross but the kids love it. I'm pretty sure most of them just want to puke in front of everyone to gross them out. It usually works too. smile.gif One year one of the leaders took a gallon and took off the top before hand and dumped out half and filled it up with water. He got it all down but almost lost it himself. All the kids thought he had done it so that help encourage them to try to finish. They all puked. biggrin.gif

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I'm not sure everyone thinks it's fun. Lots of kids look at the things we do a little cross ways. Most of the time the games are tame but some of them are really fun. A few weeks ago we had the kids line up by grade level and each one got a straw and they had to stick them together andthen the last person in the line had to try and drink a rootbeer through all the straws. That was a good one. Most lines had about 25-30 people in them, thats a long straw. smile.gif

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Could be it's different around the nation as well. It's a big group. There were just some things in that week that really bothered me, I suppose.



Keyan Farlander


"The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers."

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Guest rosencrantz

i didnt fall asleep until after 4 a.m. and so i woke up cranky biggrin.gif but then this thread made me smile so everything's ok again *hee*

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Guest The Duke

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers

What a load of wankers


AnD We AlL FaLl DoWn

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