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Infinite Credits

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A few days ago, I requested a simple trainer for the new 1.04 version of Empire at War. I am going to try again:


if anyone can create a mod or trainer that is capable of giving the Empire and/or the Rebels infinite credits, I will be eternally thankful.


I will also finally shut up; I've more or less found what I have been looking for, and I have given up on my crazy mod idea.


Indulge this one request, and I will stop clogging the forum with my nonsense.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Has anyone ever checked out the trainer that I am talking about? Google "Empire at War Trainer" and you will find a trainer that has the option to freeze the Rebel and/or Empire's credits (turns on and off). My problem is is that it has not been updated for version 1.04. Can yall do this? I don't know programming, but I'm sure someone here does and can use the trainer maker kit to create something.


Please? Answer this request and I will stop asking silly questions on this board.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let me make this clear. I will not stop bumping this request until A) it is fufilled in some way or B) someone tells me it is not possible. I do not want "more credits than I can use." I just want something that will make the supply infinite for whatever side I happen to be playing. If it is a button in the game, a trainer, or any other type of mod, I don't care. It just has to work.


I will not be disuaded!


And it must work for version 1.04!

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Well a moderator might decide to ban you for asking for hacks for the game and/or spamming the forum if yuou keep this up. But whether you do keep it up or not I think most people will just stop looking at this thread or any threads from you because they will know it is pointless to look in them unless they want a trainer also.


Why dont you just learn to mod the game and make it like you want? It is much more enjoyable and rewarding experience than using a trainer to hack the game anyway, especially since you can do much more fun and crazy things with modding.

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What part of I will not be disuaded do you not understand?


However, if I am not allowed to request hacks, then I withdraw the request.


Also, if a moderator asks me to stop spamming, then I will. In that eventuality, please shut down this topic.


If anyone can help me with this topic (Grimsycthe, if you're still out there, you agreed to try and help me. are you still game?), please let me know.


But for the rest of you. Why do you respond? I honestly couldn't care less if you think the game is made less fun by this request, or if you think that modding it myself would be more rewarding, or anything else you can think of. This is my request, and if you don't like it, then don't say anything. Your opinion is not relevant in this case whatsoever. I am making a request.


If it is against the rules its one thing, but seeing as how no one is responding to my topic for weeks at a time in the positive or negative, I think a prod every so often is necessary. If a moderator wants me to stop, I'll stop.


But I do not want to mod the game myself, I do not want any alternate choices like more-credits-than-i-can-ever-use, and I do not want to become a Jehova's Witness! Please answer the topic! Any answer! Please!


I swear, if it is answered I will go away! Really!


(And I apologize for the rant. I am very frustrated with the lack of useful responses to my request, and I just had surgery and am very tired.)

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Did it occur to you that maybe no one is responding because they don't know how to answer your qestion.


Modding the XMLs to make way more credits than you can spend is really easy. If more credits than you can spend is not enough, then I really don't think anyone here can help you.


if you want a mod updated, contact the creator of the mod directly.

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Well, it's been fun, but someone finally made a program that does indeed give me infinite credits in version 1.04.


Moderators, Please delete this topic.


And by the way, the more-credits-than-you-can-spend won't work because each planet can only store 10,000 credits. If you could tell me how to change that, then I would differ to your wisdom. Please answer in the new topic that I have started.


Please delete this topic.

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