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Star Wars: The Beginning of the Galactic Empire

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Anakin entered the Lambada class shuttle leaving his Jedi Master, Sith Master and wife behind on Mustafar. He was headed for Coruscant to inform the members of the senate of his reign. When he reached Coruscant through hyperspace, he immediatly made his way to the Galactic Hub to annonce his reign. Members of the Senate were surprized to see Anakin instead of Sidious.

"I am Darth Vader, your new Emperor" announced Anakin, chatter scattered all over the place asking why Anakin has taken Sidious' place.

"What makes you think you can push us around, Sith Apprentice?" asked Senator Organa

"Sith Apprentice?"

"Yes, our alliegience wasn't even to Palpatine at all what makes you think we'll be loyal to you?"

"This..." Anakin raised his hand and Senator Organa's hovering platform became unstable, Anakin then sent it plunging to the floor! "If any of you even thinks about separtism, you can join Organa..." warned Anakin. No one spoke back. "Good!"


On Pollis Massa, Yoda dropped to the floor and his face was scrunched up as if he was about to cry. "Failed Obi-Wan has!" Yoda didn't bother to move.


In his office, Anakin sat thinking.

"What do we do now?" asked Anakin's advisor.

"What are we gonna do...? We hunt down Yoda, That's what we're gonna do" replied Anakin "Make sure I'm uncontested in my reign... wipe out that itch on my arm" he ordered.

"Yes my master, I'll prepare the army-"

"NO! He's one Jedi, I'm gonna do it on my own, show anyone that dare oppose me what will happen to treason" declared Anakin

"Y-y-yes m-m-master"

"Is the prototype to the new ships ready?" Anakin asked.

"Only the prototype my lord" answered Anakin's advisor

"Then I leave now" Anakin took a newly built ship that sort of looked like a tie, and left to find Yoda.


Anakin searched all across the galaxy and found an iscolated asteroid base, Anakin thought that would be the perfect place for Yoda to hide. Anakin searched all over the place and found Yoda he did. Anakin drew his saber.

"Stop, Anakin!" told Yoda "have to do this, you do not!"

"Save your preaching tratior!" ordered Anakin "Your words mean nothing to me, the Jedi shall become one with the Force this day!"

"Be it so" said Yoda, Yoda then drew his saber and the two started fighting. Strong blows from Anakin forced Yoda to frequently make a run for it but Anakin found him one way or another. He then followed Yoda and cornered him in a small room. Yoda dropped his saber.

"See if you will strike down a defenseless prisoner, we shall" said Yoda

"I am not a Jedi, old midget!" replied Anakin "I have no need for mercy!" Anakin shot a bolt of lightning and started killing Yoda. The more Yoda screamed, the more Anakin laughed, Anakin had completely fallen to the Dark Side. Yoda stopped screaming and started twitching after a while of lightning.

"Now to make sure" Anakin said to himself holding his saber. Anakin impaled Yoda and Yoda stopped twitching. The Jedi are no more.

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Anakin stood over Yoda's dead and charred body saying to himself "I've fallen so far, how the hell could he believe there was hope in me?"

A figure wearing a mask walked out of nowhere and said to him "Because there always is, at least in the Jedi point of view, but you choose not to embrace it, so you choose to embody power and only power!"

"Who are you?!" asked Anakin.

"I am like you" replied the figure "A fallen Jedi, an all powerful Sith, or at least I was four-thousand years ago"

"I need a name!" demanded Anakin.

"Okay, my name is Darth Revan" answered the figure.

"What do you want from me" asked Anakin.

"From you?! Nothing!" Revan replied, "Except to help you."

"I don't need your help!" yelled Anakin.

"Oh I believe you do," told Revan "You were always over-confident and arrogant Vader! I've been watching you for thirteen years, I've seen your incident with the Sand-"

"BITE YOUR TONGUE!!!" demanded Anakin

"Anakin, you are not a Sith yet!"

"Who are you telling me what I am and what I am not"

"YODA STOPPED FIGHTING BECAUSE HE DIDN'T SEE YOU AS A TRUE SITH!" roared Revan "You do not have a Sith army, Skywalker! Hell you are so arrogant, you went to take Yoda alone, without an apprentice to watch your back! He could've been planning a rebellion, he could've had armed men here!"

Anakin started breathing deeply, "What do you propose I do?" asked Anakin.

"I propose you rebuild the Jedi Temple into a Sith Temple, build an army and find an apprentice to follow in your footsteps."

"Okay, but you are only a ghost, what asset are you to me?" asked Anakin.

"I can only be seen be you, I can be your advisor." answered Revan "I'll meet you on Coruscant."


Revan dissapeared, Anakin jumped into his Tie Fighter and made his way to Coruscant.

Back on Coruscant, Anakin went back into his office and sat down in his chair.

"Have you completed your task, my lord?" asked Anakin's advisor.

"I'm here arent I?" answered Anakin, "You're lucky Polis Massa was close to Coruscant this year, there was no effort to put a Hyperdrive into that starfighter...! Anyway we've got work to do, I want the researchers busting their asses off in improving that fighter, and I want the engineers and construction workers rebuilding the Jedi Temple into one of the Sith!"

"Yes master"


Weeks later, the Sith Temple had been built and Anakin had some welcoming to do.

"Welcome, my Sith Army to be! I am Anakin Skywalker but you will address me as Master, or Lord Vader! Here I will teach you in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force the more powerful and intimidating alignment! The most powerful out of all of you shall have the privilage of being my apprentice to take my place when the time comes" announced Anakin.

"Repeat the Code of the Sith after me... Peace is a lie!"


"There is only Passion!"


"Through Passion I gain Strength!"


"Through Strength I gain power!"


"Through Power I gain Victory!"


"Through Victory my chains are broken!"


"The Force shall free me!"



Through months and months of his army training his army, Anakin saw two equally powerful individuals and asked them to step into the throne room.

"I've been watching you two, very closely" Anakin told the two, "but only one can be my apprentice..."

"What would you have us do?" asked a beautiful female Twi-Lek

"I will have you fight to the death" answered Anakin

"Why the death?" asked a tall man

"Because the Sith do not have time for mercy, that's why!" growled Anakin, "... begin."


The two students fought a fierce battle knowing one will only walk out alive! After fierce swings and chops the battle was won... by the Twi-lek!

"What is your name?" asked Anakin.

"Oola..." replied the Twi-lek.

"You shall now be known as Darth.. Slaaf"

"Thank you... my master" replied Oola.



P.S: Slaaf is Dutch for Slave

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but now I'm putting in summaries of the main characters up to here and the next chapter, and will keep adding when a new character is introduced.


Name: Anakin Skywalker

AKA: Darth Vader, Emperor Skywalker

Age: 24

Occupaton: Lord of the Sith, Emperor of the Galaxy

Family: Mother (Shmi: confirmed dead) Wife (Padme Skywalker: presumed dead)

Master: Obi-wan Kenobi, Darth Sidious

Apprentice: Darth Slaaf, Darth Moordenaar

Homeworld: Tatooine

Weapons: 2 Lightsabers (Blue and Red), The Force


Name: Oola

AKA: Darth Slaaf

Age: 17

Occupation: Vader's Apprentice, Sith Lord

Family: Unknown

Master: Darth Vader

Apprentice: No one

Homeworld: Ryloth

Weapons: 1 Double Saber, The Force

(Dead, killed by Darth Moordenaar)


Name: Revan

AKA: Darth Revan

Age: Over 4000

Occupation: Vader's Military Advisor

Family: Unknown

Master: Kriea, Zhar Lestin

Apprentice: Darth Malak, Bastila Shan

Homeworld: Deralia

Weapons: None (Can't fight)

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"You are progressing well, Lord Vader." told Revan.

"Thank you." replied Anakin, "But I must return to the Galactic Hub to get the Senate members into giving control of their planets over to me."

"What will you do if they do not" asked Revan.

"The Senator that refuses will suffer the same fate as Bail Organa, and the planet will be givin to me by force" told Anakin.

"Good... good." said Revan.


Anakin made his way to the Galactic Hub and was going to force the Senators to give him power over their planets because Palpatine couldn't make that happen when Anakin killed him. "Okay I am going to have total control over the galaxy as of this moment, you will sign this document to give control of your planets over to me!" ordered Anakin. Chatter went out and about over Anakin's order. "I'm going to give you two options, the first is that you hand your planet over to me, the second is that you join Senator Organa." Even more chatter scattered, then a senator came forward.

"I will sign this document of yours... Emperor." obeyed the senator of Manaan.

"Smart move on your part" said Anakin.

Senators kept coming forward to sign Anakin's document all but one, the new senator of Naboo.

"Why do you not sign my document?" asked Anakin

"Because our alleigence is to the Republic, not you...! Naboo demands its full independence!" demanded the senator of Naboo.

"Request... denied!" replied Anakin.

Anakin raised his hand, lowered it and then the senator and his advisors fell right down to join Senator Organa.

"You're all smart people" told Anakin.


Anakin raced back into the Sith Temple and ordered his Oola to ready the 501st legion of Troops and the 107th legion of Dark Jedi for they attack Naboo immedietly!


Aboard his flagship The Executor he gave his army a briefing on what they were going to accomplish. "My fellow troopers and warriors, we attack the planet of Naboo, for their incompetent senator refused to sign my document, for that they will pay! We will show no mercy, we will teach them the penalty for defying me!"


Anakin sent his troopers down first to let them weaken the Naboo Royal Guards and penatrate their defences. The troopers managed to end up having the Royal Palace flanked, to that event, Anakin and Oola went down in a tank with all the Dark Jedi to finish the Queen. The Queen had been sheltering some renegade Jedi who left the Order during the Clone War, and she had unleashed them against Anakin's army. Anakin took them all down one by one and went to hunt down the Queen who was making a break for it. The Troopers blocked her way out of the city and took her prisoner and brought her to Anakin.

"What do you reckon we should do with her, My Lord?" asked a Storm Trooper. Anakin looked at the river and and then ordered the Trooper to bind her hands and feet and let her drown.


Meanwhile on a distant planet,

"Miss, reconnisance shows that Naboo has been taken the hard way... your husband led that campaign" told an officer "What do we do?"

"I don't know what to do, Captain *sniff*" said Anakin's wife Padme.

Padme dropped her head and started crying because of Anakin's evil ways.

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Name: Padme "Naberrie" "Amidala" Skywalker

AKA: Milady

Age: 28

Occupation: Former Senator of Naboo, Former Queen of Naboo, Leader of the Alliance to Restore the Republic

Family: Mother (Jobal), Father (Ruwee), Siblings (Pooja, Ryoo, Sola), Husband (Anakin), Kids (Luke, Leia)

Master: N/A

Apprentice: N/A

Homeworld: Naboo

Weapons: Dosn't usually fight


I'll have Luke and Leia introduced when they get older.

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