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How Dumb Can They Get!!!???

Guest Jabba The Hunt

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Guest Jabba The Hunt

Someone at work asked me what 1 million / 0.5 is expecting me to be stuck, I told him it was 2 million, I then went and asked some other people at my place of work (a well know fast food chain) and none of them knew the answer!!!!



"Getting Drunk is great you should try it sometime"


"I did once, I just cant remember if I enjoyed it or not"



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This reminds me of an extract I found in my English book from Bill Bryson's The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America (1989), it goes like this:


In my day, the principal concerns of university students were sex, smoking dope, rioting and learning. Learning was something you did only when the first three weren’t available, but at least you did it. Nowadays, American students’ principal concerns seem to be sex and keeping their clothes looking nice. I don’t think learning comes into it very much. Just at this time, there was an outcry in America over the contagious of ignorance that appeared to be sweeping through the nation’s young people. The principal focus of this nationwide handwringing was a study by the National Endowment for the Humanities. It had recently tested 8000 high school seniors and found that they were as stupid as pig dribble. More than two third of them did not know when the US Civil War took place, couldn’t identify Stalin or Churchill, and didn’t know who wrote The Canterbury Tales. Almost half thought World War I started before 1900. A third thought that Roosevelt was President during Vietnam War, and that Columbus sailed to America after 1750. Forty-two percent –this is my favorite- couldn’t name a single country in Asia. I would scarcely have believed all this myself except that the summer before I had taken two American high school girls for a drive around Dorset –bright girls, both of them now enrolled in college of high repute- and neither of them had ever heard of Thomas Hardy. How can you live to be eighteen years old and never have at least heard of Thomas Hardy?

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[This message has been edited by Jem (edited October 08, 2001).]

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Guest Rogue15

i remember when first learning how to write in cursive, they had cursive letters, then when i transferred to a different school when we moved, the new teacher was like 'what is THAT?' and i said, that's what they said to do in the other school, and i had to relearn how to write the numbers. (this was in the middle of second grade) hehe. now it's VERY rare for me to write on any paper, it's HARD to do cursive. heheehe. i like using the keyboard. btw, i'm homeschooled and in 12th grade for anyone who didn't know that.



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Who the hell is Thomas Hardy?


Being Canadian, I never learned much about my own country's history, let alone someone else's...





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:

Someone at work asked me what 1 million / 0.5 is expecting me to be stuck, I told him it was 2 million, I then went and asked some other people at my place of work (a well know fast food chain) and none of them knew the answer!!!!




You know, it may he easier to understand if you and your co-workers speak proper English. I have no idea what you are trying to say.

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He meant:


1 million divided by 0.5 wich is, of course, equal to 2 million.


1 000 000 / 0.5 = 2 000 000


and, sadly, some people don't know that when we divide a number by 0.5 it's like multiplying it by 2

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[This message has been edited by Jem (edited October 08, 2001).]

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In 4th grade, we were CONSTANTLY DRILLED in cursive, and told that it was the ONLY WRITING WE WOULD EVER USE AGAIN IN OUR WHOLE LIVES.


I have not used it once ever since.



You're supposed to be dumpster-diving for ham scraps, you six-piece chicken McNobody!


Official forum Psychic

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Guest Rogue15

hah, me neither. unless it's for my signature. i thought they said cursive was FASTER than print. geez, it takes forever to make it look readable!

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I hate to write period.


Last month, I took an Enlgish diagnostic test, and I made the highest score. The teacher was so proud of me, that she wrote a letter to my parents.


Last year I also took an Enlgish diagnostic test. The teacher said if we had 10 or less on our test we would get a handfull of candy. I got 6 wrong, and of course, she didnt believe me. Anyway I got my handfull of candy. I was so proud of myself untill the end of the day when my Hershey's Kisses melted in my pocket.


I dont know what they teach you in middle school, but they are doing a bad job of it.

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Guest guildenstern

What the h* is all this "cursive" crap? Can't you crazy Americans just call it handwriting? That's what it is! There's printing, and there's writing. Am I missing something? Are they teaching you guys something they ain't teaching us?


Nitro, that's why the CBC made the humongous miniseries, Canada: A Peoples History. Now take advantage of their efforts, you! tongue.gif


Oops, you know what? That last part of my post is in the wrong thread...ignore it. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by guildenstern (edited October 10, 2001).]

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Guest Zoom Rabbit

I abandoned cursive handwriting altogether in my teens when I made up my own style of alphabet, drawing on Celtic forms and the handwriting of JRR Tolkien.


Not one teacher ever called me on the carpet for it. biggrin.gif

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