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Monkey Madness Versions Cut?

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Okay, I think that their may be some dialog discrepancies between the floppy and Monkey Madness versions of MI2. As far as I know, if they do exist, SCUMMVM makes them "re-appear" much like it does the lite version of the game. It's definitely not a space issue, because Monkey Island 1 and 2 are each only a couple megs. The reason the CD has as much info as it does is because of the CD tracks for MI1 and the CMI demo.


I'm tempted to say that these dialog changes don't exist, but I seem to remember reading about it and then testing it myself to find that some things were in fact missing. Was the line "He looked pretty steamed" after Largo falls victim to Guybrush's bucket trap and storms off one of the supposed ones? I can't be bothered to pull out my Madness disc and get it running without SCUMMVM. One thing I'm fairly sure of is that everything still exists in the data files.


Also the CD version of MI1 removes the stump joke as well as the reference to it in the ending credits, but you probably knew that.

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There are no differences to my knowledge.


One thing that might confuse people is that there are many random lines in the games. An example is when Guybrush is fired from the bar on Scabb island--the excuse for being out of the kitchen changes pretty much every time you play. I'm thinking some people must remember a certain line, and think that it has been cut out when in fact another line is there instead.

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Well, that's reasuring. Here's the site I got the info from:




And here's the line I'm talking about:


The CD version (or at least Monkey Island Madness) of this game and Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, has a few lines cut out of the game for the games to fit.


Contributed by Jason Harang (56) on Jun 27, 2001.


I agree that it makes no sense to cut the games for space reasons as the two games and the demo take up less then 1/6 of the space on the disc.


-Ryan P. Fialcowitz

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