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Being Able To Choose Your NPCs?

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Being Able To Choose Your NPCs?

If this has been talked about, I have to apologize again. We have so many posts, I didn't see the topic. This could be embeded in another subject.


When you travel from planet to planet, you bump into stretigecally placed NPCs. You are allowed to fill up five NPC slots by convincing (5 out of 8) characters. If you are able to persuade them to join you, you get experience points. Otherwords, the game is build with eight custom NPC that have the potential to join you. You job is to convince them, or bend them to your will, to join your team. I can see potential in seducing someone to join the darkside... You will be able to cover their backstories in unique qays. Imagine if you have a darksider and lightsider conflicting heavily with each other. At certain points, you may have to break them up.



What do you think?

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I felt the same about member all turning jedi, i was glad mandalore stayed with his blasters. But i think the party members becoming jedi had more to do with the storyline than anything else, the exile being a great leader, and being the one who would rebuild/end the jedi order type thing. You could always argue that turning them jedi was optional, your not forced to do it.


I do like the idea of persuading people to join you, but i think it might be too many variables to have ALL the party members optional. Maybe 2 or 3 slots reserved for people you decide to recruit.


And slightly off topic, but i would love it if K1 style party member banter was put back in, wouldnt take much to add in some random convo's to add a bit more variation to repeated playthroughs.


And having party member have their own quests would be awesome too, some that they do solo would be a nice twist.

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I felt the same about member all turning jedi, i was glad mandalore stayed with his blasters. But i think the party members becoming jedi had more to do with the storyline than anything else, the exile being a great leader, and being the one who would rebuild/end the jedi order type thing. You could always argue that turning them jedi was optional, your not forced to do it.


I do like the idea of persuading people to join you, but i think it might be too many variables to have ALL the party members optional. Maybe 2 or 3 slots reserved for people you decide to recruit.


And slightly off topic, but i would love it if K1 style party member banter was put back in, wouldnt take much to add in some random convo's to add a bit more variation to repeated playthroughs.


And having party member have their own quests would be awesome too, some that they do solo would be a nice twist.


Great minds think a like. :D

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I agree. I was kind of turned away from being able to turn everyone into a Jedi/Sith. Grrr...


As I said in another post, I think they have to do something to seriously mix things up. I don't think I will be playing a KotOR 3 if they just repeate their same formula over and over.

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