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Animations Request List


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Now that we have several potential animators coming into their own, I've started this thread to discuss the sort of new animations we want.


There are some things that I can think of....


- New jump kick animations (4 anims, one for each basic direction).

- Light Stun/Slightly Knocked off Balance (1 anim per saber position per saber style). These would replace the current "slow bounce" animations. The idea here is to have an animation for the player getting "stunned" just enough to allow the other player to switch from defense to offense.

- New "combat" stride/walk. The current walk doesn't seem like something that a person would use in real combat. (one animation for each saber type)

- Strafe run/walk animations. I'd like to be able to use true strafe (left/right) animations to make the players look better while moving purely left/right. These already exist in the current animations but are missing for some of the saber types. (Two left/right per Run/Walk per saber type)

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zomg hai guyz. I'm bac :))))))))


And I'm going to need something more specific to work with, ace :( The jump kicks can be in any sort of type? I was thinking it'd be cool to do spin-kick stuff in different ways for each direction. Also, the stun thing, I'm not sure from where to start. How many saber positions are there?


Also where can I find the reference animation for that? Or just generally what am I looking at. If it's an off-balance thing, then I don't know really, it'd depend on a bunch of stuff.

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You'll need 4 jump kicks, forward/left/right/back. The current ones are really only designed to be used as upflying kicks, rather than a kick made while coming down from a jump. I'm thinking we could either simply replace the current ones or maybe change the system a little bit so players can do jump kicks while coming down from a jump (and thereby make them MUCH easier to do).


All the reference animations should be in the normal _humanoid.gla file along with the animation.cfg file.

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SO IN RETROSPECTIVE, what ace is talking about is directional mid-air kicks that point downwards, like Ryu's SK in SFA. Pretty much that, and having it so raising activates one kick, and falling activates the other.


I'll have some sketches soon, yay. as for the other, I'll need more time.

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I will once I free some more space to install JKA back on ;_; For now tho I can work on the kicks, if just to get some practice. The knockback stuff is probably going to be easier since it's not a lot to animate, just lots of small things. Wudan's program is pretty smooth to use, for most part thankfuly. I just needed to have alora's highly flexible be-hind as motivation. ^___^

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- New "combat" stride/walk. The current walk doesn't seem like something that a person would use in real combat. (one animation for each saber type)

- Strafe run/walk animations. I'd like to be able to use true strafe (left/right) animations to make the players look better while moving purely left/right. These already exist in the current animations but are missing for some of the saber types. (Two left/right per Run/Walk per saber type)

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Hey ytmh, when I'm done with the current tasks I'm working on, I'll work with you on the anims. I need someone who's good with Maya (I assume Maya exports skeletons to md3) to guide me along. I hate Maya. Never liked the interface. Lightwave was more user friendly and intuitive :p

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So can I actually import lightwave anims into dragon, and then export into gla from there?


If I could work with lightwave, that'd be much better, because I'm more familiar with it. And I have a nice hundred megabyte video tutorial on CD right now too

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The animations I'd like to see most are improved blocking anims. Some of the current ones, unfortunately, aren't very convincing. :(


i hope your not suggesting like the blocking in JA+, i personally can't stand the blocking in it. it just seems god awful and it makes saber fighting too long and unfair for the single saberists even though it already is esp. with strong.

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So can I actually import lightwave anims into dragon, and then export into gla from there?


Not that I'm aware of. You load glms and glas into Dragon and make/edit their animations with it. Then you export glas which you merge with the humanoid.gla with glamerge. If you can import other formats like lightwave's (lwo?) into it I never heard of that but then again Wudan keeps saying there are lots of undocumented features.

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i hope your not suggesting like the blocking in JA+, i personally can't stand the blocking in it. it just seems god awful and it makes saber fighting too long and unfair for the single saberists even though it already is esp. with strong.


No, I'm not talking about a change in the blocking system, just new animations for the blocks that OJPE currently uses. For example, there are a couple of block animations where when you block, it looks like you're sticking your saber through your opponent's head (even though you really aren't and don't do any damage). A purely cosmetic change. :)


I've heard something about the mysterious "keshire animations" but I don't know if they apply to this or not...

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  • 3 weeks later...

- Special Mishap Animations for when the player has Critical DP or maybe FP. The purpose of these animations would be to visually indicate that the player will die in the next hit. Think Anakin's movement right before Dooku slices his arm off.

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