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Star Wars:An Echo from Corellia

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Hello, I am exilerevan. This is my first RP on this site... I'm looking forward to this. Afew rulez though, 1)no god modding 2) No cannon characters i.e. Revan

3) No killing the other RPers without permission from that RPer 4) Please use this sheet before RPing doesnt have to be exact... just ball park it.

(Note this is my character XD)

Name: Silo Bahn

Occupation: Jedi Weapons Master

Age: 39

Planet of Origin: Correlia

Small Bio: Taken as a child, taken to Couracant where he grew up to be a great and devout Jedi

Weapons/clothing: Tattered Jedi Robes, Orange-Yellow Lightsaber

Physical Apearence: Medium Length Black Hair, Green Eyes, Many scars from many battles, one on face.

Force Powers if any: Lightning, Mindtrick, basic powers (push, pull, jump)


Well, here it goes....


A long long time ago in a galaxy far away....


STAR WARS: The Echo Rising


The Galaxy is in a bad way. Everything is going downhill from here. The Senate is crashing down from the inside, the Jedi are leaving the order for some Sith Lord named DARTH VENGONCE and his harsh training methods. The current High Council Member, SILO BAHN, is debating with his friends on how to deal with this threat and has asked his master Briana the Handaiden many times but she didnt answer. He desided to go to Telos, to search for her, his ship, Grace Hawk, is coming in on the Telos Academy to search for this threat....

I'll start the RP when i get some RPers.XD

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As you see, i've been around Star Wars RP's for awhile, and I think this one might go somewhere, only if we improve the plot a little better. I'm in.


Name: Drake 'el Morosa

Occupation: Jedi Exile

Age: 26

Planet of Origin: Unknown

Small Bio: Most of his history is unknown, only that he grew up with the Jedi on Dantooine and was exiled after becoming a Jedi Knight at age 20. Through his travels, both sides of the Force have been trying to track him down, only to be cut down. He is known all around the Galaxy, and hunted relentlessly- hated relentlessly. Every Jedi has been told about him, either in a bad way or good.

Weapons/clothing: He has two deep purple lightsabers, the hilts crossed in an X formation on his right hip, bound by a belt.White no-sleeved shirt, ankle-length polyester brown trenchcoat. Black baggy pants and brown leather boots.

Physical Apearence: Short brown hair, bangs falling over his eyes and his hair coming down past his ears. He has the mark of Exile (they did that back then) which is an X across his right cheek.

Force Powers: Push, pull, speed, jump, throw lightsaber, force storm.

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Name: Sankra Tomb

Occupation: Jedi Watchman

Age: 31

Planet of Origin: Irodia

Small Bio: Found to be a Force Adept at infancy and was taken to the Enclave on dantooine for training. After his jedi trials he went to coruscant and began to take assignments from the council, He Now Sits on the council as a Master on coruscant.

Weapons/clothing: Jedi Master Robes, Green Staff-Sabre

Physical Apearence: Zabrak species with sharpened spikes and a tribal tatoo the top of his head. Has a scr that goes from his forehead, through his left eye and down to his cheek, this has left the eye blind.

Force Powers if any: Basic Powers,Master Force Camouflage, Master Speed

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Name: Jack Goren

Occupation: RIB (Republic Investigation Bureau)

Age: 28

Planet of Origin: Correlia

Small Bio: Former Jedi but was exiled at a young age. However he did not join the darkside, he hated the sith and the evil it stood as the sith was reason for a downfall and death of his master. He has now joined RIB -star wars version of the FBI- and on his first assignment was to work on his home planet Correlia to investigate threats on a sith attack, he has also been asked to work alongside the jedi which he feels uncomfertable with due to his past.

Weapons/clothing: Blaster, shield generator and clothes

Physical Apearence:---Clicky Here---

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Name: Fergus Marf

Occupation: Jedi Master

Age: 60

Planet of Origin: Tatooine

Bio: One of the wisest Jedi Masters of the Order and has only had one successful apprentice. His apprentice is believed to be dead.

Weapons/clothing: Brown Jedi Robes, Blue Lightsaber

Physical Apearence: Long Black with shades of Grey Hair,

Blue Eyes, One scar over his left eye.

Force Powers if any: Mindtrick, Heal, Protect, Absorb, Jump, Speed, Push, Pull, Lightsaber Throw

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Great! welcome aboard XD RP time =) here it goes....


Silo's ship flew into the Telos Academy, to find a desolate place it was to quiet. No students... no masters, no nights... afew blaster marks on the walls, some tattered articles of clothing, alot of burnt holocrons. Silo only felt two faint presences, if he could find them maybe he could find out what was going on. First he called a republic frequency requesting investigative assistance, then he would look for the lifesigns he senced earlier... he ran and ran looking all over the vast academy and then heard te sounds of lightsabers clashing... he drew his saber quickly and ran to the sound. His master, Briana was fighting some sort of Dark Jedi... and loosing. He ran to the fight lightsaber ignited but right before he got there Briana was disarmed and stabbed in the stomach, Silo ran to the scene and started to duel this Dark Jedi. This one was powerful but not a match for Silo. They fought across a bridge to the meditation room where Silo threw the Dark Jedi out of the room and kicked him off the bridge... he ran to his masters sid to find that she was dead... this was bad for two reasons... one his master was dead two, the security tapes were destroyed so that now he didnt know how this couldve happend... the Republic showed up... finaly a good thing.

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Silo was standing over the body of his dead master as he saw Fergus arive just to late. Tears in his eyes and anger welling inside him... jumped off of the bridge to find the Jedi that killed his master. The man was cralling on his hands, his legs were broken. Silo took out his lightsaber and slowly walked towards the Dark Jedi... planing to strike him down.

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Silo was standing over the body of his dead master as he saw Fergus arive just to late. Tears in his eyes and anger welling inside him... jumped off of the bridge to find the Jedi that killed his master. The man was cralling on his hands, his legs were broken. Silo took out his lightsaber and slowly walked towards the Dark Jedi... planing to strike him down.


Fergus noticed the young Padawan with anger. Anger led to the dark side.

"No young Padawan!" He shouted, "Anger will lead to the dark side!"

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((Jedi Weapon Master))


Silo looked up at Fergus and then looked at the Dark Jedi, he continued to walk towards the animal that killed his old master. "You dont know what pain is do you?" Silo said still walking towards the squirming Dark Jedi, his saber ignited his eyed squinched in rage, his lightsaber raised as he was about to strike down this traitiourous dog.

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"You dont know what he's done his life is invaluble!" he yelled back and then saw what he was doing and put away his lightsaber... and walked quickly to Jack, "He diserves nothing less that a lightsaber to the head." he whispered and walked into his old room in the east combat chamber.

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"I know how you feel and I'd rather you'd cut the guys head off right now but he's the only lead to a sith terrorest cell located on Corellia." Jack replied. He then turned to the other agents "Cuff the dark jedi and bring him to the shuttle."

Jack walked over to Fergus and said to home "We're sorry for your loss and if you wish, you may sentance the dark jedi to any punished you see fit after we're dont with the interrogation."

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"Whatever" Jack said codly, I under if this Jedi even remenbers me? The aspiring Jedi who broke the rules, the young jedi who he personally exiled. Jack figured that Fergus didn't recongise Jack as he had changed his apperance greatly since he left the order.

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The Zabrak Master in the tower which contained the Jedi's council chamber, he looked out of the window at the view of the galactic capital. He stared at the newly constructed senate building not far from the temple of the jedi. He knew it was in session and the senitors were pointlessly discusing the problems in the galaxy as the senate failed. This was not on Sankra's mind, His mind was elsewhere on a far away world where his fellow Council member, master Silo Bahn, was. He could feel fury, anger and hate coming from that place. Master Tomb looked down in disappointment as he closed his eye's and began to concentrate on the location.

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Silo's shuttle docked in the Temple's Bay, Silo was still in tears over his dead master. He stood, wiped his face and slowly walked out of the shuttle to be congradulated by his many friends for defeating a Dark Jedi, he couldnt seem to smile. Holding back tears is not easy for him... as he rarely cries. A part of him died with his master, nothing was left of him just an echo. His face was somber the rest of the day sitting on the council was Master Bahn (Silo), Master Tomb, Master Marf, Master Rand, and Master Bau-Dur the rest arent important enough to mention now. Silo stood and said to the council, "My friends and fellow Jedi Masters, I have gathered us here today to deliver grave news, Master Briana... is dead." Master Marf, Rand, and Bau-Dur were shocked and Master Marf now understood why Silo was so angry, "If- When the courts find him guilty it is our desision how he will be punished, any suggestions?"

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As the shuttle docked into the bay, men- soldiers began to drag the beaten and bound Dark Jedi into the bay and towards the shuttle. The vicious sound of a lightsaber igniting was heard moments before a flash of violet flashed infront of the men- it was a lightsaber. Seconds later, the Dark Jedi's head separated from it's body, sliding down and landing on the ground with a sickening plop.


"This Jedi is going nowhere.." Drake said, catching the thrown lightsaber in his right hand as he ignited his second violent lightsaber, illuminating the dark corner of the bay where he is. "Now, you can either leave, or be slaughtered like the foolish Master was," he said, twirling the lightsabers with a dull hum. "Any takers?"

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"Drake! This was the courts desidion... not an exile's. In the name of the galactic senate of the repulic, you are under arest for murder... please dont resist Drake..." Silo said igniting his saber with many other masters in the room, "Drop your saber now!" he demanded

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Drake just smiled to himself, walking towards Silo. "I might as well even the odds a bit..." He said, deactivating one lightsaber and dropping it in it's sheath and twirling the other. "Don't give me this arrest nonsense, if you want to stop me, then do it," he said, his eyes glowing green for a moment as a white spiral of energy coated his body (Force Resistance).

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"Fine... i've been waiting for this , your arrogance is your downfall as it always has been, Exile. Just know that killing you for resisting arrest wont give me plesuere nor you honor, you will always be an Exile, you get to be the one killed be the Seinior Council Member." he said going into his defencive stance (sorta like Anakin vs. Dooku threy both had their sabers above their heads, thats what my char looks like now). He walked slowly towards Drake... very adjutated, he didnt wish to kill this Exile.

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