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Star Wars:An Echo from Corellia

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Master Tomb stepped inbetween Silo and drake holding his hands out, he turned his head to the council leader. "Stop this foolishness!!! The death of the Dark Jedi was inevitable, He choose the Dark path and it always ends that way. The Exile mearly accelerated it to the inevitable conclusion, this is not his crime. However he should not have returned to the temple of his exile." Tomb turned to Drake. "Tell me why have you returned Exile?"

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He gave a sarcastic smirk to Silo and twirled his saber, deactivating it and sheathing it. "One.. I didn't join the Dark Side, in my view, they're as corrupted as you.. brainwashing..

" He looked back at Tomb after taking a second glance at the body of the Dark Jedi.

"I came here to speak with Briana, but apparantly she had gotten bested by a mere Dark Jedi.. I would have expected more... blood."

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John entered the room furious, he had been informed of the death of the dark jedi "What the hell happened!? Who the hell is this? You now what I don't care, did he kill the dark jedi?" One of the troopers noded "Master Tomb, please do the honours in arresting him."

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"Master Bahn, Calm yourself." He ordered despite the fact Silo was was his superior. "You have had a great Loss, do not let it consume you"


He then turned to the republic troops and there leader, John. "This man will be arrested in good time." He looked back at the Marked Exile. "And i trust he will give us no trouble."

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He shouldered past the soldiers, walking out of the bay via a small door, exiting into a hallway within the Jedi Academy. You know as well as I do that she deserved it.. He sent to Tomb, keeping his pace. He closed his trenchcoat and headed towards the main doors, stopping for a moment at the doors then pressing forward,heading out the door.

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"You! Stop!" Silo yelled now angered considerably more. "One more step and I'll-" as Drake neared the door Silo used force pull to pull him in and shock him with force lightning. He went unconcience. "Inprison him. He will face the courts tomorrow." Silo said coldly looking on with distain.

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Sankra took out his half lit staff-sabre and swung it under the Neck of Silo "Master Bahn Control yourself, You are giving in to your anger." He looked over at jack and the soldiers take the exile to the infirmary first."


"Now are you going to the meditation chamber to reflect or do i have to... 'Escourt'... you there." He said turning back to Silo

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Silo said to the wise master, "You do not know. I have controled my anger for fifteen years! It is something Briana taught me. Now that she is gone, I will control it on my own, do not question my meathods... Master Tomb. Escort him to the prison I will go and rest." he said quickly walking away.

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((OK, that's it. Read my posts. FORCE RESISTANCE... and plus, that was an auto-hit. Plus, he was two floors above him, seeing as the docking bay is below ground and he was at the main doors..equals.. a hypocrit. See, this is what I don't like about these new guys, no idea how to rp right.))


Drake shook off the effects of the stun and stood up. "I'm out of here.. pathetic Jedi Weapon Masters using their powers like toys.." He headed back to the door and opened it, walking out into the cold air and towards his ship- which was a small Republic Starfighter- modified, of course, to fit his needs. He hopped into it and fired up the engines, flipping down the viewscreen and buckling in.

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(( ok, sorry but i am not new to RPing. I didnt understand your posts, so please before you make fun of me, please tell me and i'll edit my post. And if i have done something wrong please tell me privately. I'm no idiot and not a hipocrate either. You didnt specify where your character was,sorry again))


Silo sat in his chambers contiplating how he should deal with the new threat of this unexpected Sith Lord rising from the unknown reigons... the Republic fleet is few and scattered, how could he possibly figure this out. Send out the Jedi, strike them from a planet that they would never expect... but where. Theis ships roam everwhere... he cant seem to figure out how... to get them all in one place.

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((Didn't mean to explode, I just had to make a point. It's cool now, just read over posts thoroughly from now on alright? I didn't completely make my leave out of the enclave perfect, but I thought you'd get what I meant. I'm waiting for someone else to post before I do, a habit. Heh.))

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"Sir," Said a troop walking up to Jack and reported the prisoner escape. Jack was about to burst into flames due to anger however instead he took a deep breath and said clamy "Screw him, I'm not going to waste my time searching for some vigilanty outcast while my home planet is at risk."

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"Jack. Where would our elusive friend... sorry murderer, dont tell me you lost him Detective." said Silo aproaching Jack slowly and sincerely, "He may be dangerous, comb all of Couracant, and send squads to nearby systems understood?" Silo ordered.

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She ship slid out of hyperspace. He steered towards the Nar Shadaa docking platforms of the planet below, sending in docking codes and waiting to be verified before activating the landing gear. Minutes later, his ship landed gently onto the docking platform, along with two other ships- tourists. He leapt out of his ship and handed a few credits over to the docking employee, whispering something in his ear. (Now, the Republic will have a problem landing on Nar Shadaa because of docking problems. Heh, bribery.) The shady Twi'lek nodded and got back to work as Drake kept on walking.


He turned the corner into the main square, which was filled with many people of many different races and many different sizes; yet all the same smell. He pushed his way through the dense crowds and walked through the open doors into the Entertainment District. He was always a sucker for Twi'lek dancers.

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Sitting at a small table in the corner of the bar, he was served two Juma Juices. Even though he doesn't like them. Taking a swig of one, he glanced around the room, taking in the smoky environment and the lousy and dense atmosphere, as well as a jolly ambience. Disgusting... He thought to himself.

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"In war times you did Jack s***! You did nothing while countless innocent lives were slatured by mandalorians! Even when they were defeated, you did nothing about the raiders on Dantooine. They kidnapped, attacked and killed the villagers that were under your protection. It was up to me to put an end to all that and you kicked me out. Just for doing the greater good, I flet my family, my frend and my lifestyle just to become a jedi and you kicked me out like it was some sort of browny club. And you were sirprised that I didn't go and do the labour on some dull farm world." He replied in anger"You guys aren't curropt. Your just idiots. This jack*** maybe dangerous but he's not my concern. You can talk to my commander officer, he'll tell you to f*** off"

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"Insolence! I fought in the first wave on Taris you grunt! It was my job to free the local enclave from Mandalorian control! I suffered a great injury in the first two battles. I was sent back to Couracant where I recieved a pardon and I was demoted to a Padawan learner for four years! Dont you dare tell me that I did nothing to fght the Mandalorians, get out of my sight." Silo said infuriated.

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