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Flying Beastie

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Name: Flying Beastie


Rank: Jedi Master


Post Count at Departure: 1550


Reason for Leave: End of semester, term papers to be written/researched, exams.


Length of Time: Until 2001-12-03, possibly shorter.


Contact: Email: mark.brown@primus.ca (for emergency use only).


Signed: Flying Beastie



"Don't f_ck with the Jedi Master, son." --Mark Hamill

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*sings to the tune of Farewell To Nova Scotia*


Farewell to Flying Beastie, your test-bound ass is toast.

Let your papers long and researched be.

For when I get drunk, and my cookies have been tossed,

Will you ever heave a sigh or a wish for me?





nitro.gif Ryan "Nitro" Cole nitro.gif - The man who can fly anything with wings... And some things without...


"If they could get a washing machine to fly, our Nitro could land it!"

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Guest Rogue 9

Some of us just had the habit fo showing up here all the time broken, tough to start it up again once you realize hwo much time you actually spend here.



"Sie werden mich nie zum Sprechen brigen!"

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I don't remember approving your time away FB.


Didn't you read the small print when you signed up, "all leaves must me pre-approved by a Sith Lord or you will be considered AWOL and we will hunt you down".


What, we didn't add that yet? Hey Nine, you told me you were going to add the fine print to the bottom of our members sign up page...


You must have been sleeping at the Sith/Sith Lord crew meeting agian....

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