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I think it would be cool to be able to listen to music like the music thats playin while anakin and obi are fighting wen you are fighting or just while your walkin around. Like sort of a play list u could listen to vaders march musis then the obi vs. anakin fight scene music so on and so forth. Could anyone make this or tell me how to make it. Or if anyone has a site that has this mod it would be great.

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That isn't even close to being possible within the game. Why don't you just mute the game music and play your choice songs with whatever median you feel inclined to use, all during your playthrough. It would get the same results.

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Also its illegal to put the music from the movies in to the games. It breaks copywrite, trademark and other legal named stuff. Also if someone put up the music it would be taken down as it would be seen to the promoting pritating. If you want the music from the movies oyu will have to do what Skye said and play CD's of the music as you play.

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Illegal? They are a lot of mods (even on pcgamemods) with such a things like Imperial march and other. I recommend you to replace existing music of the game or edit it. About coding in special format I don't know too much but game's original files are coded with Miles Sound System. It looks that game can understand decoded nusic too.

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