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Endar Spire Change


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I Love Achilles' Roleplay Padawan Mod Its A Great Mod! But Could Anyone Edit It (With His Permission Of Course) To A Bounty Hunter Style. So Different Dialogue, And Trask Will Look More Like A Bounty Hunter Of Course. And You Will Be Known As The Famous Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. So For Example Trask Enters And Says: ''Were Being Ambushed By The Sith! Theres Not Much Time Jango We Have to Get To The Escape Pods!'' Or Something Like That For the Start. If Anyone Could Do This Through The Whole Tutorial Bounty Hunter Style That Would Be Great!



Thanks A Lot! :waive1:

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NPCs will call you Jango if it is your name ( <FullName> - the first and the last name, <FirstName> - the first name only and the <LastName> for the last name.). What class your character should have (Soldier, jedi guardian, scout, etc.)? I guess trask should looks like Boba Fett or Bossk? Where can I get this Padawan Mod?

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Heres the Link To The Padawan mod: http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/7808.html


And As For The Bounty Hunter mod. Yes I Would Assume Trask To Look Like Bossk Or Just A Made Up Bounty Hunter In Armour. If Someone Could Change The Soldier Class To Bounty Hunter? Or Make Scoundrel Novice Bounty Hunter, Scout Bounty Hunter and Soldier Veteran Bounty Hunter?

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This may be finished by editing dialog. I mean, anyways you will have to change dialog.tlk on your own. I don't know any tecnicues that can change the existing one dialog entries. Changing Trask's appearance is easy to do by Kotor Tool's charater editor. Just choose Bossk's appearance. You may download TalkEd from here . Then just find out and replace the existing names and descriptions of the characters. You may find classes.2da and edit properties that you need for bounty hunters but note that in that case mission, canderous and other standard classes characters will be bounty hunters too. Anyways I can't make mods on this week, sorry. Try to do it yourself!

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No stop don't edit that dialogue.tlk


Character Dialogues are not edited by changing the dialogue.tlk file. Each characters dialogue is edited by making changes in there "****.dlg" file usually the **** is there name or something. Editing the tlk file is rarely ever recomended. Even less recomended for beginning modders.

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I was talking about editing classes names. They are NOT changing by any *.dlg , CLASSES NAMES CAN BE CHANGED ONLY BY DIALOG.TLK ! You haven't understood me right... He was talking about renaming classes names, it is only the one way (I jnow other way but it is little advanced, and I haven't tested it on KI.). Trask's dialogs on Endar Spire may be found in end_m**_s (usually.), they have *.dlg extension, it is true, but no classes can be found in them.

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If Trask refers to the player as a Bounty Hunter then it would be because it is wrote directly into his dialog. The reason you don't find reference to a class in his dialog is because he doesn't use any. If somebody wants him to say "Your a Bounty Hunter, Go catch Bastilla for me." they simply type that into the "****.dlg" file they don't change the class references in the Dialog.tlk file. You don't even need to change the class name from soldier. Being a bounty hunter can be a profession for any class. This is why in the SW D20 RPG it is a prestige class and not a full 20 level class. Prestige classes are supposed to be more specialized training at higher levels for characters who have chosen a certain path.


It's all a matter of Role-Playing there is no reason to change class names to reflect that your a bounty hunter when if your playing a role you walk up and engage in a dialog and through the course of said dialog you state that you are a bounty hunter. It doesn't matter if your a soldier, scout, scoundrel, or Jedi.

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Right i found The Trask Thanks To You two :)


I Found Some OF Trasks Dialogue in end_mo1aa_s.rim, Dialogue. Where he says 'theres something behind here' and i found 'These Sith Must be from the advanced boarding party' I Cant Find The Rest Does Anyone Know Where The Rest Is? Also How Do I Change His Voice? Because At the moment He Still Talks Like Trask (Even Though he is a Trando) (id like his voice like a trando obviously lol :) ) Does Anyone Know How to do that?


And i have edited His Apppearance To Look Like Bossk and Renamed Him Bossk :)


Also Im Sorry For All The Nooby Questions :/


:edit: Ive Found a Lot More In, end_m01aa_s.rim, dialogue, end_trask01.dlg

Still Havent Found Them All. If Anyone Knows Anymore Tell me :)


Thanks a Lot! :smash:


:edit: Found Them All Just need to know how to make trask speak Trandoshan Language :) If Anyone Knows How Tell me




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Right. Ive Changed Trask Appearance and His Dialogue Completely. All I Need to do now is make him talk trandoshan language (at the moment he doesnt speak) Change His portrait to a trandoshan and Put some new items in the footlocker at the start of the game. (The only dialogue i cant find is ''For the republic!'')


Can Anyone Help with these 4 things?


Thanks :)


Some Screens For You All Also :)








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I found A nice little .2da file in templates.bif>2da array that holds all of the Alien Voiceovers in a nice little collumns, I belive It's called (runs upstairs) alienvo.2da, open it up in KTool and you'll have pretty much all of the Alien VO's, of course, I not sure its in K1, I just Blanked my hardrive so I don't have k1 installed. Happy Modding, if this helps...

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Have you tested it? Is it fully working? About names: Open your TalkEd press ctrl+o (or File/Open...). Now navigate in Open window to your kotor I main directory, find and double-click on dialog.tlk . Like this . Make ctrl+f (or go to Tools/Search...). In Text string write "soldier". Like this. . Click on search. First of all you will see 134 row and text "Soldier". Double-click on it and you will see window with this text, replace it as you want (Note: don't use too big names while renaming classes. Not bigger than three words.). Now click on save button. The next thing we will see are things like prerequisites. Change them on the same manner. Don't edit big entries, they are from dialogs, not recommended thing to do. Texts like Sith soldier, Republic soldier are useless for us now. Do the same with scout and scoundrel. If you want you may change di After finishing all this operations make ctrl+s (or File/Save...), it will save your dialog. Thats all! We have finished! Now launch your game, choose New game and you will see the results!

Examples of results:

Holowan guy slection

Character generation

character view

Leveling up


To change his "language" you will need just to find "Sound" line in your dialog and type there some of the trandoshan sounds (their sounds have prefix that looks similar to the n_trandoshan_****). Write its (I mean sound) name in "Sound". See the results.

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Ive just tested it your mod and the dialogue is very buggy. trask says 3 comments in one go. maybe its just somethin in my override folder :(


As for the Soldier and class editing thanks so much! :thumbsup:


Edit: Question: How do you put new weapons and armour in the footlocker on the endar spire? (where you get your clothes from, that footlocker)

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Yes, your dialogs are better than mine, use yours. But don't forget to attach in the begginng of the dialog my script (rephost). I recommend you to use all other things that were made on my own (.2da, .tga, .utc, .ncs). I was making it only for half an hour, so it is not high-quality work.His portrait was made from sceenshot, bad quality. Here is the better one . Download them, please, they were made by 3ds max. I think they are good enought.

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