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0.1.0 beta O_O WOAH!!!


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I was playing extensively 0.1.0 beta with Razor Ace, JRHockney, and Tapela (sushi came but not for that long =P ) and I can truly say this build is amazing. The fights are more fast paced, more skilled, and definitely made some amazing progress. The new meter (the mishap meter) is an amazing addition to OJP, makes it more complex but at the same time adds to the gameplay, making attack fakes and parry more useful than ever before thus rewarding the player for good reflexes (parrying). Another thing I must say I enjoyed was the attack parry, with the whole new mishap system it is real rewarding to know you successfully executed an attack parry. Well my closing thoughts, OJP Enhanced is shaping up to be one hell of a mod, I would definitely say it is the best saber fighting in JKA and it is the most movie like saber fighting too.


PS. OJP Enhanced is only getting better :D

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I think people will be very excited to see what this build has to offer. I'm excited thats for sure. I've got nothing but good things to say for quite a few things, the mishap bar is great, I absolutely love it.


Though it gets a bit confusing (it probably varies from person to person) with the saber swings, two handed sabers and the flurry of bright colors confused me :p. But once you get the hang of it and maybe practice with a friend you can recognize things easier and know when and how to parry and then you see how great the changes really are. Gotta be on your toes the entire time or else you can lose pretty fast, even if you controlled most of the fight.



So even in this beta build with still a bit of work to do, OJP enhanced 0.1.0 is shaping up to be one awesome dueling experiance. :sheepdanc

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he never asked. theres only one problem ive noticed with in jka and that is probably due to how runframe is done and how missiles are handled. dropped sabers bounce almost infinately sometimes or until u put them back. probably fixable i just havent seen what is causing it.


and no, its not private because i have it running in EnsiMod for the most part. All of the client weapon predict effects were pretty much stripped though because JKA uses the FX system for most things.

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he never asked. theres only one problem ive noticed with in jka and that is probably due to how runframe is done and how missiles are handled. dropped sabers bounce almost infinately sometimes or until u put them back. probably fixable i just havent seen what is causing it.

The primary cause of that behavior appears to involve the saber spawning inside of the ground/walls/etc. I've created some additional checks that help prevent most of the weird behavior in the OJP.


As for game lag, the main issue with the code server is that I'm on a cable connection. It's servicable, but not going to be perfect.


As for the unlagging code, it would be possible to program into JKA, but it's effectiveness for the saber combat is debatable. A LOT of the saber combat is server side, so even unlagging's setup isn't going to help with most of the lag effects.

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The primary cause of that behavior appears to involve the saber spawning inside of the ground/walls/etc. I've created some additional checks that help prevent most of the weird behavior in the OJP.


thats a different thing, i already have that fix in my source, it doesnt help. the bouncing saber really isnt much of a problem because you dont drop it that often unless u have debugs on and use debugDropSaber heh, but it still does happen when it normally falls. and its not truely infinite, it will return when you call it.

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As for game lag, the main issue with the code server is that I'm on a cable connection


That's not the issue, your server in particular, it's just lag is a problem with most JKA servers all over the world, regarding the desire to have saber swings register as close in time to each other as possible. But you said it wouldn't help there so that's too bad.

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That's not the issue, your server in particular, it's just lag is a problem with most JKA servers all over the world, regarding the desire to have saber swings register as close in time to each other as possible. But you said it wouldn't help there so that's too bad.

Well, you could sync up the animations a bit better if you also included the animation's start time in the playerstate. It would take a bit of work to do, but it would help, in theory.

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Basically, you'd record the time when an animation is started on the server. Then when the animation is recieved on the client side, you'd use that start time to skip the animation forward slightly to be consistant with the server's start time. Hopefully the skipage wouldn't be noticable with interpolation and the amount of lag we would be accounting for.

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