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Making KotOR beginning less pointless


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Is it possible to mod such that the PC, when he/she becomes a jedi, is returned to Level 1 but keeps all of the skills and feats acquired from previous levels in the beginning of the game. So, for example, I am 7th level and have 6 feats, when I become a Jedi on Dantooine I go back to 1st level (now as a jedi) but keep my 6 feats (same with skills). That way, you don't start out as a jedi but there isn't the incentive to hold-out levels (which was boring, IMHO).


Thanks in advance for advice on if possible and if it could be done without too much effort on someone's part, I would appreciate it.

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I saw and played the Padawan mod, and thought it was excellent, but it wasn't really what I was looking for. I was looking for something that had you playing through the beginning as a soldier, scout, etc., but not being punished for it by losing jedi levels later. Also, the additional feats and skills you gain and keep would make you stronger once you become a jedi, consistent with Revan, who after all made the galaxy tremble.

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I must say your question is rather confusing. Do you want somebody to basically make you level 6 soldier/scout/scoundrel from the start with 1 level of Jedi. Or do you want to be a level 1 Jedi with all of the skill and feat gains of a level 7 character? The first could basically be done but would be just as pointless if not more so. The 2nd can't be done in the manner that your explaining as the level caps for skills are hardcoded. So you can't be a 1st level character with the skill ranks of a 7th level character.


I'm going to exit this thread now before I go off on the sins of Cheesy Uber Power Gaming.

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Sorry if I am not making myself clear. Let me try again...


Start as a 1st level character.

Work up to 6-7-8 level character as normal.

Get to Dantooine

Become a 1st level Jedi knight, while keeping skills and feats earned earlier (or maybe just feats after your explanation of the hard-coded caps of skills).


As for the concern of Uber Power gaming, it is not as if the game is overly difficult as it is (in fact, it is downright easy, as most would agree). This is to make the game more consistent internally and to up the power of Revan in comparison with the rest of the group. Add in a balancing fix to make the game more difficult, and it seems to me that it would be more enjoyable.


Still I could be wrong.

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I am no expert but I thought that you had to have two classes in your stats after arriving on Dantooine as it's hardcoded into the game for example Bastilia ask you what was your role on the Endar Spire, and unless you have two clases for your PC you would not be able to answer her.


Please correct me if I am wrong.

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Yes, that is what the game usually does, but in this case I would like it to return your original class level (scout, soldier, etc.) to 0, or 1 if kata_mad is correct. That way you still have 19-20 levels of jedi available to you.

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Yes, that is what the game usually does, but in this case I would like it to return your original class level (scout, soldier, etc.) to 0, or 1 if kata_mad is correct. That way you still have 19-20 levels of jedi available to you.


Then just use the Roleplay Mod without any force powers or manually edit your character with the KSE after you have reached to Dantoonie.




You could also save all your levels after the mandatory 2nd level.

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Yes, that is what the game usually does, but in this case I would like it to return your original class level (scout, soldier, etc.) to 0, or 1 if kata_mad is correct. That way you still have 19-20 levels of jedi available to you.


Okay for what your talking about here it can't be modded. You have to use KSE.


As for the concern of Uber Power gaming, it is not as if the game is overly difficult as it is (in fact, it is downright easy, as most would agree). This is to make the game more consistent internally and to up the power of Revan in comparison with the rest of the group. Add in a balancing fix to make the game more difficult, and it seems to me that it would be more enjoyable.


But what your proposing of reseting your Soldier/scout/scoundrel class to 0 or 1 and having 19-20 levels of Jedi left and retaining your Feats and skills of a 6th level whatever from before is Uber Power Gaming. Of course what does this old Role Playing Dog know he's likely been playing RPG's before you could type on the keyboard.(No offense meant)

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Kind of off-topic, but fun nonetheless:


First, thanks to everyone for your responses. If someone could tell me what KSE is, I would appreciate it.


Second, considering I beat Akalabeth way back when (and 142 other CRPGs at last count) I doubt you have me beat as a Role Playing Dog, Darkkender. After all, my favorite game is still Wizard's Crown. What I am looking for is not the end-all be-all character to wax the floor with everyone. Instead, I am looking for a similar if not greater challenge from the game, but more of that challenge being handled by Revan as opposed to his misfit co-adventurers. That was my intent.


Thanks again to everyone, and sorry for the confusion.

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I just cheat using invulnerability after getting the mandatory lv 2 on the endar spire. That way I don't have to level and can't die, but since I'm not getting base attack it makes the later parts of taris (and the dueling ring) take longer as you can't hit the barn side of a broad with a measily +1 or +2 BAB.


This has the added benefit that when you get to dantooine and become a jedi and start adding levels you can advance the NPC story lines very quickly by talking to them after each level up.

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