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Help at the Star Forge


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There's an infinite amount of them, so you have to use the computers to stop the droid generators from working. If you don't have enough spikes, killing droids spawns them in containers nearby the computers. If that takes too long, you can bash open the elevator door and run away.

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You can order the computers of each droid generator to either shut down or create friendly droids to battle the evil ones its already creating. When the bad droids get blown up they give computer spikes to use to deactivate/reprogram the generator's computers. By this point in the game your computer use skill/amount of computer spikes should be high enough to simply shut down all the generators.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're in battle mode, you're not going to be able to select any of the containers or computer terminals. If you press the "B" button, it will take you out of battle mode and allow you to select the computer terminals or containers with the triggers. Taking yourself out of battle mode also allows your force powers to regenerate at a faster rate too.


As the original poster has indicated they have been helped and to prevent this thread from being 'bumped' again :lock: -RH

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