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Is it possible to change default actions?


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For example, I like to use Master Speed a lot, but I have to scroll through my entire list of friendly powers to get to it. To make matters worse, every time I load up, the list starts right back at Master Heal. This isn't as much as a problem with Speed since it's only two down from Heal, but combined with other powers further from Heal and the constant loading of the game, it becomes a nuisance.


So is it possible to change it so that Force Speed or any other power I desire be first, or better yet, change the order of friendly powers so that it's to my liking every time I load into a different area?

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I believe the actions as yu have them referred to are organized by there very same order in spells.2da or Dialog.tlk I could be wrong they could be ordering them by alphabetical order. If it is an appearance in spells.2da/tlk file listing then it might be relatively easy however if it is alphabetical then we have to aproach it completely differently.

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I believe the actions as yu have them referred to are organized by there very same order in spells.2da or Dialog.tlk I could be wrong they could be ordering them by alphabetical order.


The force powers are listed in numerical order sorted by the values in the forcefriendly column (for buff/defense powers) and forcehostile column (for targeted powers) in spells.2da.


When you enter a new module or load a savegame the selection menu starts out at the powers with value 0 in those columns. The next-arrow will then take you to the power with value 1, while the previous-arrow will take you to the power with the highest listed value.


To change the order they appear in the menu you'll have to change the value in those columns. Remember that all powers of the same "school" (e.g. wound, choke, kill) must have the same number in that column to be grouped together.

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Moved this thread over to Holowan Labs since it details modding...


Probably why you weren't getting a response diablo2121.. (wrong forum) ;)


Welcome to the Forums! :waive1:


First, thanks for moving the topic for me; second, thanks for welcoming me, and let me say that I appreciate all the time and effort put forth into some of the mods here. I tip my hat to all the KOTOR/TSL modders. I hope to become a more active part on the KOTOR scene as I stay here.


The force powers are listed in numerical order sorted by the values in the forcefriendly column (for buff/defense powers) and forcehostile column (for targeted powers) in spells.2da.


When you enter a new module or load a savegame the selection menu starts out at the powers with value 0 in those columns. The next-arrow will then take you to the power with value 1, while the previous-arrow will take you to the power with the highest listed value.


To change the order they appear in the menu you'll have to change the value in those columns. Remember that all powers of the same "school" (e.g. wound, choke, kill) must have the same number in that column to be grouped together.


I took a look at the spells.2da and managed to customize my powers to my liking. I extend my thanks to you on this matter and to Darkkender as well.


Thanks again everyone.

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