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LightSabre Duel!


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Bit of an online game here.


Start with Chracter Race, Type of saber weapons (number of blades, color), opening attack, and how many days challenger has to respond.


Rules are as folows:


1. Only using canon sources

2. No Force powers (i.e Throwing objects, bolts of lightning, we have no way to rule who is the stronger force user, but force jump and running is allowed)

3. Only 1 attack manuver, 1 defend manuver, and 1 non-attack manuver (such as moving, flipping switch) in a single post.


any failure to comply with these rules (or bad spelling (other then in the rules wink.gif) will result in a injury determined by a thrid party (the more worse the mistake, the biger the injury)


any questions?


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Race Human :Age 23: Black: Correllian: 6'7: 367 lbs.(all musulce): Lightersaber single blade gold and silver


Blocks left to right downward to block attack.


2 days



Lost. One sig. Property of RL. Please return in somewhat stable condition


[This message has been edited by Rebel Loyaltist (edited January 15, 2001).]

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Guest Papa Roached

::Human Age:15 5' 10" 265 Lbs.:: Rolls Thermal Det. into lightsabre fight.


0.000000000000000001 DAYS



"The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by forcible overthrow of all existing conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.



-Karl Marx and Frederick Engels

-Manifesto of the Communist Party


[This message has been edited by Papa Roached (edited January 18, 2001).]

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(Open to challenger)

Starkiller... The REAL Deac Starkiller. Not that tagalong who was a 1 liner in a cut scene as a friend to a whiny farmboy, but the REAL DEAC STARKILLER:

Enters by falling from the roof,

Twirls, blocks and attacks at point.


1 day

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Guest SlasherX



Sith lord, with double edged red saber. Ignites saber, jumps in and slashes across K_K's chest. (2 minutes)

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