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Okay, I got all the Star Maps except one.


1.) Dantooine

2.) Kashyyk

3.) Manaan

4.) Korriban


and now I'm trying to get the last Star Map, from Tatooine. The difficulty is set on Easy but when I go through the dessert, HOLY AND ELITE SANDPEOPLE come to fight us (Jolee, HK-47, and myself). They are very difficult to defeat and I'm Level 8. What should I do?!

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Kick their butts.


You're level 8?! How have you managed to get that far and still only be level 8? Have you been holding levels since Dantooine or something? Level up, dude! There's no way your level should be so low unless you've done absolutely no sidequests or killed anything at all. Seriously, something's wrong there. No wonder Bandon was so hard for you...

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dude, do your charachters not have an arrow on their portrait? you should be around levels 16-18 by now! sandpeople are quite hard, remember to use stims. shields etc, once you killed the sand people you can also nick their outfits and wear them - they wont attack you if all your people are dressed up as them - you will need HK with you as well btw

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man! level up before you get screwed. how did you even make it so far with level 8?

when you look at your char's portrait, you'll see a small pulsating arrow. click on the portrait and you'll go to the level up screen. i trust you know what to do after that.

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