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Scratch built starship YT-3600


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So a friend of mine has decided he's going to make a scratch built YT series starship so he sent me a picture of his idea he wanted to go for something recognisable in the starwars unverse yet different at the same time completely original


So anyway after seeing a picture of his idea i thought it looked awesome and just had to share with you guys ..




So what do you guys think? any suggestions? criticisms?


personally i can imagine that in the starwars EU flying alongside the falcon and the outrider.




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oh, right. and where is the entrance ramp?


I have a picture thats my friend has put labels on i'll post it later on when all the other parts and the insides are done.



The YT-3600 is uglier than YT-1300 imo. Kinda looks like a cheap copy of the Millenium Falcon :p


Have you seen any of the other YT series? of course it loooks like the falcon all the YT series look like the falcon they all have that similar design.










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For the first picture. I think your Cockpit is way too small for the design, either that, or your turrets are way too big.


The shape of the Engine/Hyperdrive should be more round off.


Also most YT series have their plating sim lines in radial cake like sections for the curved parts, rather than the "tetris" like pieces you have.


And yes I do like the YT-2000. Well, YT-2000 is quite a battle-ready ship even with minimal modification. Snap in a better hyperdrive and engine, and add some armor plating, and you get a really good attack craft.

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