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Making our own game!


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Hey I posted a oppertunity for JKO/JKA modders in the SWAMP forum. It is a project that I am working on and have now completed most of the game engine! it is an OS SW JK game with an Origional story that I have created! go here for detailes!!! http://www.lucasforums.com/showthre...126192&posted=1


if you dont have encourageing words dont post please...I am a student of game dev at a university...I know what goes in to makeing one and I dont need others telling me its not possible!



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Sorry I did not know the best place to post this...I need to get the word out to as many jko/jka modders that I can! If any of these small posts are in a useless place or my main post can be moved to a more appropriate place...please fix! :)

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