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Dustil Onasi in KOTOR2?


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I was recently using a program called 'TalkEd' which allows you to view and edit dialog options by opening the 'dialog.tlk' file. Anyway, while idly scrolling through various conversation options, all of which I recognized, I came across some I had never seen before. I'll quote them exactly below. I'll seperate each different dialog option with a line of dashes:


{Dustil has been trapped here a while and he is stark, raving mad}Another vision! Don't think I can't see through this deception.


The vision leaves, only to sneak up later when I am less aware. Better to silence it now.


{screaming, louder at end}You won't have me! You won't have me!


{mocking}Ah, the existential vision. What causes me? Why am I a vision? {serious}Deceptive vision. Dustil the Jedi is wise to your tricks.


{mocking and ranting}"I am not a vision" says the vision. Ha! Well then, I am not Dustil Onasi, son of Carth, no. I am not a Jedi either.


I am Jedi. So proud, so proud to be. I escaped the dark side only to return. Why did I return?


Why? The other Jedi wanted to. They tricked me. Oh, they tricked me. I did not know then that they were all visions. Visions all.


The vision speaks of my father, not knowing I killed him twenty two times, and he has killed me, but I did not die.


He won't be coming back for me, not again. With his tricks. {shouting}His tricks! {tortured yell}Oh, father! {sobbing}Why did you leave?!


Of course the vision knows my name. It probes my thoughts. But I am learning the tricks, I am. Soon I will block them out entirely.


{ranting quiety to himself}Yes, questions. Visions always have questions for Dustil... before the killing starts. I won't answer! {yelling}Hear me apparition! I won't answer!




And these are the various character response options, although I don't know which response corresponds to each of Dustil's responses:


I'll be going now.


Do you know what causes the visions here?


I am not a vision.


You are a Jedi?


Carth? You are Carth Onasi's son?


You are Dustil?


You killed those other Jedi!


Who are you talking about?


Who are you?




This was quite an interesting discovery, especially since I'm positive it was in hte KOTOR 2 section, not KOTOR 1...so, what I'm wondering is, was this cut content, or is he actually in the game and I just haven't found him?


It says this conversation is supposed to occur in the Secret Tomb on Korriban.



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Yeah, Dustil was originally going to be in the tomb. There are no voiceovers for that scene, though, so the likely case is that it was just a phased out concept. It still would have been neat to see him, though.

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I think the idea was that Dustil would be dead if Revan was DS, but if Revan was LS, then Dustil was trapped on Korriban (note that he stays even after learning of the Sith deception in KotOR1), and the above is then what would have become of him...


Not a particularly nice fate for him, which is probably why the idea was dropped early during its development and never made it so far as to even have a voice recorded for it.

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One more thing that was cut out. Imo it was good that it never made it to the game. I don't really like dustil. :o


What was bad that it never made it to the game was the "interrogation" with HK-47 and a HK-50. Well the voiceovers are there. but the scene is not. :(

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