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Changing alignment for prestige class...


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I was wondering if there was a way to script in a personal alignment change before getting your prestige class. I can use cheats/mods to do so, but it would be nicer if you could do it in game -- like have the Exile meditate somewhere on the Ebon Hawk on hir life and the Force, and decide whether to take light/dark path, then have hir emerge with the alignment adjusted, etc.


I'm asking because I've been jumping through hoops trying to be a darksider but making sure to scoop up Mira instead of Hanharr on Nar Shaddaa, but by the time I get her I'm already at about lvl 15 and have a lot of work to do to drop back to the necessary dark side alignment -- I have to hold levels unless I want to use my cheats/mods. Heh, so I make myself go into the Ebon Hawk, stand in a private spot, and imagine I'm meditating on vengeance while I change my alignment with my Hak Pad...


Might be a silly request, but I was wondering. I'll probably look into doing this myself, but atm I don't know how.

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I was wondering if there was a way to script in a personal alignment change before getting your prestige class. I can use cheats/mods to do so, but it would be nicer if you could do it in game -- like have the Exile meditate somewhere on the Ebon Hawk on hir life and the Force, and decide whether to take light/dark path, then have hir emerge with the alignment adjusted, etc.


I'm asking because I've been jumping through hoops trying to be a darksider but making sure to scoop up Mira instead of Hanharr on Nar Shaddaa, but by the time I get her I'm already at about lvl 15 and have a lot of work to do to drop back to the necessary dark side alignment -- I have to hold levels unless I want to use my cheats/mods. Heh, so I make myself go into the Ebon Hawk, stand in a private spot, and imagine I'm meditating on vengeance while I change my alignment with my Hak Pad...


Might be a silly request, but I was wondering. I'll probably look into doing this myself, but atm I don't know how.


This could be done by setting up a cutscene and using the meditation animation.... Like Visas does.


It would also need some scripts....


I personally probably could do the scripting, but I'll wait until D3 or Stoffe can help you because they are much better than I am.



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I've put together a quick mod that should work as you described, if I understood what you wanted correctly.


This mod will insert an extra dialog option into Kreia's conversation when you talk to her about gaining prestige classes. Pick the new "Wait, I must meditate on this." reply and the prestige class dialog will be cancelled and you'll be allowed to pick if you want to do Dark or Lightside meditation, which adjusts your alignment accordingly. Then just speak to Kreia again and pick one of the normal dialog options to proceed.


Be warned that since this is a quickly put together mod it has undergone minimal testing. It seems to work on my game, but use it at your own risk. Let me know if it works. :)


It should be compatible with most other mods that use kreia.dlg unless I've made some mistake, or unless you have some mod that makes major changes to the standard tree structure of the kreia.dlg dialog file.


EDIT: Updated the file, I forgot to pack the right script (duh)...

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If it is only about Mira/Hanharr choice there was mod that allowed that and was combined into cinematic in Nar-Shadaa docks where you meet them.




Ah, that mod sounds good, will take a look.


Still going to look into a meditation/alignment mod, since it's "difficult" for me to consistently do dark-side stuff (and a lot of the DS choices are kind of ridiculous). :hatchrun:


edit: Stoffe, thanks for throwing something together -- what you describe is just what I was thinking of, with the dialogue option. Can't wait to try it.


update: Gave it a shot -- perfect!! The meditation animation is just great! Thanks so much, now I don't have to be *so* mean to the folks on Citadel and Nar Shaddaa but can still become a Sith. :evil5:

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For anyone curious, here are some screens of the darkside meditation -- you still have to have a strong alignment to trigger the prestige class dialogue, and you have to choose dialogue option 4 to meditate as soon as it comes up, or it won't show up later. Here I was light-side and flipped to dark-side. I'm quite happy with the results!







Thanks again to Stoffe!

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I've put together a quick mod that should work as you described, if I understood what you wanted correctly.


This mod will insert an extra dialog option into Kreia's conversation when you talk to her about gaining prestige classes. Pick the new "Wait, I must meditate on this." reply and the prestige class dialog will be cancelled and you'll be allowed to pick if you want to do Dark or Lightside meditation, which adjusts your alignment accordingly. Then just speak to Kreia again and pick one of the normal dialog options to proceed.


Be warned that since this is a quickly put together mod it has undergone minimal testing. It seems to work on my game, but use it at your own risk. Let me know if it works. :)


It should be compatible with most other mods unless I've made some mistake, or unless you have some mod that makes major changes to the standard tree structure of the kreia.dlg dialog file.


EDIT: Updated the file, I forgot to pack the right script (duh)...



Thanks, it's cool because I was also stuck in a similar way.

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