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Holowan Plugin Question [TSL]


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Iv Looked in the README and i thought it would say what mods are in it...But i couldnt find where it said it in the readme. So ill ask, Is there The Dark Apprentice: Holowan Consortium By, MacLeodCorp, Jae Onasi, Darth InSidious, T7nowhere, Commas, Darth Moeller, & LucasForums Community, Is it In The Holowan Plugin For TSL?

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Originally if i recall correctly no, i think the holowan plugin was made long before the DA, so unless Macloedcorp et al have updated THP for TSL then it wont be in there, however i think DA comes with TSL patcher, so you can just install them both yourself.

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Originally if i recall correctly no, i think the holowan plugin was made long before the DA, so unless Macloedcorp et al have updated THP for TSL then it wont be in there, however i think DA comes with TSL patcher, so you can just install them both yourself.


Cheers Jon7

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the DA:HC mod's original first release version was included in the [TSL]HP however it was under a different title at that time. I can't even recall what the original name had been for the mod since Macleodcorp renamed it at least 3 or 4 times from it's first release. If the DA:HC mod is prompting you to overwrite files from the Holowan Plugin you should be able to with few problems. There maybe a glitch or two that I'm not aware of though.

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