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Kotor mandalorian wars request


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This mod is for TSL.


You play as the Exile/general and you start on Dxun you have Aeren Kae(handmaidens mother) and Malak in your Party. You travel to malachor fight mandalorians, get Revan and others in your party and you get to see a little of the history behind Kotor and TSL.


I have the full story - minus side quest that i can post on demand.


Please someone contact me about this as it is what we have all been waiting for!

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Im looking for a conversion mod so that when you start a new game you start this game. Or if possible you could make this mod accessable through dialogue with a specific NPC.


This is the full story without side quests and dialogue scripts. Hope you are patient!

You play as the Exile/general and you are on Dxun you have Aeren Kae(handmaidens mother) and Malak in your Party.Your orders are to capture or exucute Mandalore who is in the camp (the one from sith lords). You have to fight your way through loads of mandalorians, with the help of republic soldiers, jedi and Bao-Dur.So when you finally reach the camp you find Revan fighting off loads of Mandalorians and the door to mandalore is sealed. So you help revan kill the mandalorians and he then tells you Mandalore has escaped to Malachor, Revan then joins your party and you fight your way through some mandalorian re-inforcement all the way back to our ship, where you find Handmaidens father (I forgot his name) He joins your team as you leave for Malachor. There can be a clip of a conversation between Aeren Kae and Handmaidens mother so that you get the idea of what kind of relationship thay have (they are married) maybe they can mention their child. Atlast You reach Malachor where you must fight your way through mandalorians, with help from jedi and republic, until you reach the temple. Revan and Malak enter the temple leaving you, Aeren Kae and hanmaidens father outside where you are approached by a republic general who gives you the order to activate the solar field thing (from the end of The Sith Lords) so you go to each ship activating them until you reach the last one where Aeren Kae decides to remain behind and press it (obviousley not knowing the extent of its power). So you and Handmaiden's father get a shuttle (or teleport if need be) to a republic ship flying above Malachor, where you meet up with Bao-Dur and have to fight through some mandalorians who have boarded your ship, until you reach the Bridge. You access the control panel and give the order to press the button - as instructed by Revan, we cut to Malachor imploading (use animation from the sith lords if need be) we cut back to the charaters, Handmaidens father screams out Aeren Kae's name before he runs out of the room (boards a shuttle presumably) You have a quick hart to hart chat with bao_dur before cutting back to malchor which is in ruins (use the clip from the sith lords) you then get a message from Revan to divert course drom coruscant to follow his fleet of ships, You, Bao-Dur and some other republic soldiers (maybe a quick glimpse of Carth onasi or if possible saul Karath) esacpe in an escape pod(or shuttle, depends on what animation you can get your hands on) to coruscant, where we see the general/exiles trial(the one from sith lords) before the ending credits. Now i know this can be done although it might take some time but if any of you are willing to do this it will be the greatest mod of all mods ever! contact me about this please as i would be interested in helping with story and quest ideas.

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I thought about doing this, infact I did a little work on it, its a great idea. I kinda gave up after a bit since I don't really like spending ton's of time working on one section of a game. Well, good luck with it.


EDIT: the only difference beetween yours and my ideas, the PC was Reven, Not The Exile.

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As i said that is just the basic story so if your interested in giving some ideas for side quests/characters etc feel free to do so!

cheers dude


well i have a good idea you have to save brianna (who is just a child) and send her to telos until the war is over but the mandelorians invade your ship (say the harbinger or one like it) and you press the wrong button and the ship goes flying into the north pole ( of telos where the academy is) and then you play the clip of the shuttle crashing then atris ,who is only a young jedi at the time, comes out with a number of jedi and they take brianna inside!


what do you think


tell me if you need any more good ideas :D lol!

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cheers dude


well i have a good idea you have to save brianna (who is just a child) and send her to telos until the war is over but the mandelorians invade your ship (say the harbinger or one like it) and you press the wrong button and the ship goes flying into the north pole ( of telos where the academy is) and then you play the clip of the shuttle crashing then atris ,who is only a young jedi at the time, comes out with a number of jedi and they take brianna inside!


what do you think


Personally I think this idea sounds like 6 year old child made it. No real concept whatsoever, no continuity, nonsense.


"You press the button and ship goes flying"? Lol, dude Capital Ships arent operated by single button but huge crew working on many ship's systems.


My two cents.

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Yeh thats wicked maybe Aeren can be hiding brianna on your ship, there can be a point where you think you hear footsteps or something like in the first game!

But it would have to be her father taking her to telos!

More ideas are never a bad thing!

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Haven't you tried to use search???

This mod is doing know, it is for TSL, named KMWM (Kotor Mandalorian Wars Mod), you start at Dxun, blah-blah-blah...

Yes. If you know a lot about mandalorians and even a little about modding you're welcome to its development, PM me for more details if you want.

But anyways, main developer of the project (he's infamous modder) will arrive only at the 8 of august. But I can do his functions for some days.

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I dont know how to PM

So is this mod better story than mine or similar?

I know quite a bit about the mandalorian war and exar kun war.


If they ever run out of story for their mod then tell them to fell free to borrow off me!

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I actually started something like this mod... I had it set up more like a flashback from different points of view. In one instance, you could talk to Mandalore and see it through his eyes - fighting alongside Mandalorians. In another, you could talk to Bao-Dur, and see it in his eyes - being commanded by the Exile, etc. etc.



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oi thats not funny i meant when brianna is on a SHUTTLE the general presses full speed mode and he doesnt realise it until he is watching it go crashing into the snowy hills of santa clause ville (telos north pole).........HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS hahaha.......lol <:|>


bacara nate, 'bumping' is not allowed here so I have deleted the attempt. Our Rules Thread, and the Special Rules for this forum, please read them. -RH

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my idea would be if no 1 has alredy said it that it is the prolog and you dont need 2 do it but you can and you do all the stuff you said then you start to hear kreia say the awaken line and in th middle of a big fight you could get shot and drop to the ground and when you wake up you are on the floor out of your tank and the you play on as normal.

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  • 2 months later...
Im looking for a conversion mod so that when you start a new game you start this game. Or if possible you could make this mod accessable through dialogue with a specific NPC.


This is the full story without side quests and dialogue scripts. Hope you are patient!

You play as the Exile/general and you are on Dxun you have Aeren Kae(handmaidens mother) and Malak in your Party.Your orders are to capture or exucute Mandalore who is in the camp (the one from sith lords). You have to fight your way through loads of mandalorians, with the help of republic soldiers, jedi and Bao-Dur.So when you finally reach the camp you find Revan fighting off loads of Mandalorians and the door to mandalore is sealed. So you help revan kill the mandalorians and he then tells you Mandalore has escaped to Malachor, Revan then joins your party and you fight your way through some mandalorian re-inforcement all the way back to our ship, where you find Handmaidens father (I forgot his name) He joins your team as you leave for Malachor. There can be a clip of a conversation between Aeren Kae and Handmaidens mother so that you get the idea of what kind of relationship thay have (they are married) maybe they can mention their child. Atlast You reach Malachor where you must fight your way through mandalorians, with help from jedi and republic, until you reach the temple. Revan and Malak enter the temple leaving you, Aeren Kae and hanmaidens father outside where you are approached by a republic general who gives you the order to activate the solar field thing (from the end of The Sith Lords) so you go to each ship activating them until you reach the last one where Aeren Kae decides to remain behind and press it (obviousley not knowing the extent of its power). So you and Handmaiden's father get a shuttle (or teleport if need be) to a republic ship flying above Malachor, where you meet up with Bao-Dur and have to fight through some mandalorians who have boarded your ship, until you reach the Bridge. You access the control panel and give the order to press the button - as instructed by Revan, we cut to Malachor imploading (use animation from the sith lords if need be) we cut back to the charaters, Handmaidens father screams out Aeren Kae's name before he runs out of the room (boards a shuttle presumably) You have a quick hart to hart chat with bao_dur before cutting back to malchor which is in ruins (use the clip from the sith lords) you then get a message from Revan to divert course drom coruscant to follow his fleet of ships, You, Bao-Dur and some other republic soldiers (maybe a quick glimpse of Carth onasi or if possible saul Karath) esacpe in an escape pod(or shuttle, depends on what animation you can get your hands on) to coruscant, where we see the general/exiles trial(the one from sith lords) before the ending credits. Now i know this can be done although it might take some time but if any of you are willing to do this it will be the greatest mod of all mods ever! contact me about this please as i would be interested in helping with story and quest ideas.


Ok, i've got something to add to this, why not make it into the storyline for TSL then why not make a darkside ending, like you decide to go with Revan instead of going back to Courscant? And then you find Brianna and train her in the ways of the Dark Jedi so when she gets older she's not a dumb little soldier she's a Dark Jedi Guardian or wutever you want her to be...... then you stumble across Atton talking to his "final" Jedi victim and then he asks wut you think he should do and you say "Well the Jedi are foolish, she lied to you she was trying to make you turn away from your calling... Don't you see you were meant to serve Revan, Malak, and Me as a Dark Jedi." or somethin like that i mean i don't really know wut else but you could kill Revan and Malak and take over the Sith fleet as the "New" Dark Lord.

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Im looking for a conversion mod so that when you start a new game you start this game. Or if possible you could make this mod accessable through dialogue with a specific NPC.


This is the full story without side quests and dialogue scripts. Hope you are patient!

You play as the Exile/general and you are on Dxun you have Aeren Kae(handmaidens mother) and Malak in your Party.Your orders are to capture or exucute Mandalore who is in the camp (the one from sith lords). You have to fight your way through loads of mandalorians, with the help of republic soldiers, jedi and Bao-Dur.So when you finally reach the camp you find Revan fighting off loads of Mandalorians and the door to mandalore is sealed. So you help revan kill the mandalorians and he then tells you Mandalore has escaped to Malachor, Revan then joins your party and you fight your way through some mandalorian re-inforcement all the way back to our ship, where you find Handmaidens father (I forgot his name) He joins your team as you leave for Malachor. There can be a clip of a conversation between Aeren Kae and Handmaidens mother so that you get the idea of what kind of relationship thay have (they are married) maybe they can mention their child. Atlast You reach Malachor where you must fight your way through mandalorians, with help from jedi and republic, until you reach the temple. Revan and Malak enter the temple leaving you, Aeren Kae and hanmaidens father outside where you are approached by a republic general who gives you the order to activate the solar field thing (from the end of The Sith Lords) so you go to each ship activating them until you reach the last one where Aeren Kae decides to remain behind and press it (obviousley not knowing the extent of its power). So you and Handmaiden's father get a shuttle (or teleport if need be) to a republic ship flying above Malachor, where you meet up with Bao-Dur and have to fight through some mandalorians who have boarded your ship, until you reach the Bridge. You access the control panel and give the order to press the button - as instructed by Revan, we cut to Malachor imploading (use animation from the sith lords if need be) we cut back to the charaters, Handmaidens father screams out Aeren Kae's name before he runs out of the room (boards a shuttle presumably) You have a quick hart to hart chat with bao_dur before cutting back to malchor which is in ruins (use the clip from the sith lords) you then get a message from Revan to divert course drom coruscant to follow his fleet of ships, You, Bao-Dur and some other republic soldiers (maybe a quick glimpse of Carth onasi or if possible saul Karath) esacpe in an escape pod(or shuttle, depends on what animation you can get your hands on) to coruscant, where we see the general/exiles trial(the one from sith lords) before the ending credits. Now i know this can be done although it might take some time but if any of you are willing to do this it will be the greatest mod of all mods ever! contact me about this please as i would be interested in helping with story and quest ideas.


Ok, i've got something to add to this, why not make it into the storyline for TSL then why not make a darkside ending, like you decide to go with Revan instead of going back to Courscant? And then you find Brianna and train her in the ways of the Dark Jedi so when she gets older she's not a dumb little soldier she's a Dark Jedi Guardian or wutever you want her to be...... then you stumble across Atton talking to his "final" Jedi victim and then he asks wut you think he should do and you say "Well the Jedi are foolish, she lied to you she was trying to make you turn away from your calling... Don't you see you were meant to serve Revan, Malak, and Me as a Dark Jedi." or somethin like that i mean i don't really know wut else but you could kill Revan and Malak and take over the Sith fleet as the "New" Dark Lord.

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