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Heat Wave v2.0


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It's starting to get hotter again, after a week of cooling down. And me, being the cheap bastard that I am, don't like using the a/c cause it uses up a lot of electricity, so I just sit in front of the fan, which would sometimes also blow hot air if it's too hot inside.


but on the plus side, my last month's electric bill was only $4.

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Arr! I sail the seven seas. The splashes coming from the sea'll cool ye' down, land lubbers! And rum! Arr!


But, seriously, I usually just sit in my room, the fan is on and the window is open and I wear nothing but boxers and T-shirt. Oh, and I have my own fridge that's full of orange juice. If you wonder why orange juice, it's because I drank the whole winter a 1.5L bottle of Coke a day. Ugh... Now I can't stand Pepsi or Coke... Why Pepsi too? well, That was the period of last summer with 1.5L of Pepsi going down my throath a day. So, people, learn a lesson here. Don't drink too much Coke or Pepsi. It'll make you feel sick eventually. Ice is a good invention too to cool off, as a way to get back on-topic. I want more summers like this. I'm just happy that we've had two good rain and thunderstorms around here so the nature is thriving :p

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Heat? What is that? I sleep all day, stay up all night. By the time I wake up, it's cooling down and it doesn't get too cold here in the summer nights, so I just don't have to deal with the heat... since when it's hot, I'm asleep in the A/C cooled house :)

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