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Unused SP cvars?


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Hi guys (and gals)


I was wondering if thre were any known of unused cvars in JA singleplayer as I am interested in doing an SP mod but need access to some cvars to customise it the way I'd want (actually I want the SP SDK but I haven't got any reply from Raven about a possible SP SDK release). Does anyone know of any that I could use to help my mod?





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Well, it seems a bit unusual that they would release the MP but not the SP. I know both have been released for Elite force 2 (I kinda think of them as Wars/Trek Brother/Sister, both using the Q3 engine and being the warring siblings of popular sci fi and all). We've been shown what excellent results people can come up with for models & skins(HapSlash, Mars Marshall, many more), mods (ForceMod, MovieBattles, JA+ etc), vehicles and weapons, siege maps, singleplayer maps and all other aspects of customisation including custom videos for the main menu. I just think that these days, when a game gets old, it should become open source. Half-life has been, EF and EF2 have been (with not much response). I don't know about you guys, but I'd like to see what I could do with the code. (Plus thinking about this mod but not being able to do it is driving me crazy!!!!)


Thoughts, opinions and shooting me from the sky welcome!



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Having the SP SDK would be freaking awesome! The reason said above kind of seems a little stupid. It doesn't make much sense. I want to change the damage of melee attacks (punches and kickes) for SP so badly, a left-handed punch does 3 damage and a right handed does 6!


Thats plain unrealistic. You could probably knock out a chistori (the dinosaur species that Desann is) with a 3-6 well-placed, good solid punches in real life.

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The main reason is, copyrights on things like the ghoul2 system and such, also the fact that Mr. Lucas wouldn't want it. Also, even if they did release it most of the coders here are used to things in the MP code which are C. Almost all of the Single Player code is C++ with classes and such.


Instead of seeing such things as petition for JK4, i would much rather see a petition to make at least the MP engine GPL so we can get it up to date with the q3 counter-parts on things like exploit fixes, etc, make rcon work again, fix ip's not staying when userinfo changes, add http/ftp downloading in the engine like ET. If they did that i would probably make Icculus JKA:MP.

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Well if Mr.Lucas doesn't want the SP SDK released for any games he publishes why did razorace negotiate and get a few small parts of the SP code? 2 games in a row Raven has released half of the game code.


EDIT:Oh, I get it, they don't want us to change the theme of the game but why the hell would anyone make a Dragon Ball Z total conversion or something like that if that's what LS is afraid of?


It's kind of strange how LS and Raven treat SP as more sacred territory and keep the code locked up in fear of the game not staying true to Star Wars if the SP code were to be released.


If they're so worried about that why can we make new SP maps and levels and storys? Besides copyrights and all that mumbo-jumbo there might be some other reason why they (LS and Raven) want to keep the SP game code away from us.


If the Q3 gamecode is open-source I don't see the problem. What the heck would any of this have to do with copyrights relating to Ghoul2 models? They have nothing to do with source-code related business.


And one more question, why is MP so special? Don't most of the same copyrights and that stuff apply to it? It hasd to do with there being no storyline I guess.

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Mr. Lucas doesn't want anyone taking his precious SW content. Even though, making the game GPL doesn't give anyone access to the content. Well im guessing they don't want to release the source code for using ghoul2. Why is MP so special? I dunno, i like MP more and its replaying whereas SP is pretty much the same. You have 2 options on korriban then the rest of game prior is same.

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