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Dead Settler problem [K1]


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Heya :)


although i've been playing through the first Kotor countless times, this is the first time I encountered this 'strange' thingy.

I found the dead settler (I believe his name was Casus or something). I went back to his father, but forgot to mention the death of Casus, seen the way the sentence was pronounced. ('your son is dead.') I was fearing major DS points. So I just kept nagging on. Then the other quest started, with the girl (Rahesia?) telling me about the captured guy she fell in love with. I then started following that quest. But when it ended, with the near-battle cutscene, all doors became locked, and there was no way I could tell anyone about the dead guy. I later realised that every playthrough before, I simply gave the evidence to the droid, a thing i forgot this time.


Several walkthroughs claim I should bring proof to the aformentioned protocol droid. I just talked to him to get in, nothing more, since I believed I should give the evidence to the father (which I didn't do, fearing DS points).


So now i'm stuck with an annoying 'Dead Settler' topic in my journal, which doesn't look very nice.


My question:

Have I just f*cked the only solution of the quest, or is there still hope for me?




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I did the smae thing with Intergalactic Reunification in TSL.


I killed Lootra, then told his girlfriend that he was in the area, having done this beofre and gotten DS points for getting her killed by the exchange. I got a journel updated and no darkside points... it was a real WTF moment.


I went to the "flophouse" where Lootra and his girlfriend should be (if Lootra weren't dead...) and spoke to the girl. She says "Thank you for returning Lootra to me" (WTF???). And because he's not there, I can't get my reward or get rid of the journel entry.

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well there is still a bit of help but i would think to go back to an earlier save look at the auto save point because ive noticed countless times with the xbox 360 it does not save when you enter the building,but you dont get ds points you only get ds points if you kill them all .however if you went to a diffent place it will delete the auto save point

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