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2D? 3D? Or just better controls?


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What do people really think was wrong with EMI? I'm not sure anyone would have complained so much about the 3D graphics if the control system had been more intuitive. For MI5, do lots of people really want to go back to 2D, or would they just prefer something that played as well as the first three games? I personally think that LucasArts will not go back down the 2D road, and should look forward instead.

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MI4 was a very good game,i don't see why people bash it all the time.The only bad thing about it was that some errors in the storyline ruined the plot.


1.I think it was stupid who herman turned out to be


2.How did herman actually get to monkey island 2 different ways?


3.LeChuck working for somebody??? somethnig is seriously wrong there




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I feel very strongly that it should be 2D. I didn't buy Monkey IV becuase I just can't get over the transition to 3D. The demo I played reinforced all my worst nightmares about what might happen if they switched to 3D.


1. It's lost all of it's charm

2. Hideous visuals compared to MI3

3. What ever happend to POINT AND CLICK adventure...? Controls are crap.

4. Characters actually seem flatter, because of the lack of depth and detail in their illustrations. Guybrush looks DEAD when he walks around.


I thought the most recent incarnation of SCUMM (as seen in Monkey III) was brilliant. Everything about it was fantastic, I would really love to see that back for the future.

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Definitily mouse-control! I hate always bumping into houses I didn't want to go to. And it's annoying when you have to walk up to everything to see whether it's something you could pick up/use. Though the running speeds the game up of course.

As for 2D or 3D I don't care that much, but I'd prefer 2D:

* graphics are better, smoother, nicer, more detailed (actually I don't care that much about the graphics as long as there's atmosphere and good puzzles, see MI1&2). It's the same with Walt Disney films: now they put everything into animation, but the graphics...ooooh, I miss the days of Jungle Book

* (hopefully) lower system requirements (hey, why should you need a 3D accelerator for adventure games? now my mum can't play it on her old computer and she loves MI!)


So - why don't I just say: I agree with Bungo2000.

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I think it should go back to 2d. The characters just didnt seem the same when they were in 3d. Like Murray. Great character, really good animation in CMI, but in EMI he looked like a box with a few black dots painted on him to look like a face. I really hate 3d graphics so i think 2d would be best.

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