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Glottis goes crazy

Barbe Bleue

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I think i've found an easter egg while browsing through GF files in search of glottis singing the Bone Wagon song.

To see it, download Lighthouse save game from gf.net, take the jacket from Lupe, and show the note from the pocket to Glottis downstairs :)


It's great that LA developers didn't go about boasting about each secret they've put in the game and let the players discover things like this... they must have put some work in creating this easter egg, and most of the time players don't even have a chance to see this little masterpiece as they rush further to the tattoo maker :) Which is a pity, cause it enchances the mood greatly.

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A little OT, but I just read the pick-up lines at the DOD. When you try to pick up Lupe, Manny says "Not my employees" or something. If you try to pick up the beatniks at The Blue Casket, he says "It's not that kind of bar". With Chowchilla Charlie, you get "I could possibly do it, and toss him pretty far, too". Our Manny is so funny.

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Just now. The ones you already had at the site inspired me to fool around a little. Does anyone know if Manny says something like that about Domino? I don't have a save game in a suitable spot to check it. What about Eva?


Also, does Manny often go "Nah" when you try to pick up something? That's what I get for Raoul, but I wasn't sure if it was specific, or if he says that about something else as well.

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its wierd that it wasnt the bone wagon song but it was RUSTY ANCHOR. Witch is wierd why Glottis knew that


It is even wierder that this song comes into accordence in year 3 when glottis surivives on the SS. Lamancha and it was hanging on the edge of the world only by its Rusty anchor

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