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Kitt Fisto


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is their a Nautolan model in either game? If their isn't, doubtful anyone could pull off a nautolan model by simply moving verts. I've modeled his lightsaber before, but I've since either deleted it or simply lost it.

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Oh, I would have loved to have gotten my hands on that.
:( sorry, I believe I got rid of it because I decided to just let loose on the poly count and it went up to around 1,600+ polys, honestly not too many, it's manageable, but still I guess I got rid of it, there is a picture of it in my fotopic gallery, link is in the sig, but it is a fairly common looking saber so I'm sure one of the movie saber mods out there has the same thing. I'm still wondering if there is a Nautolan model in the game, I don't remember seeing one, I know there are NPC Nautolans in SWG, but that doesn't help here, lol.
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:( sorry, I believe I got rid of it because I decided to just let loose on the poly count and it went up to around 1,600+ polys, honestly not too many, it's manageable, but still I guess I got rid of it, there is a picture of it in my fotopic gallery, link is in the sig, but it is a fairly common looking saber so I'm sure one of the movie saber mods out there has the same thing. I'm still wondering if there is a Nautolan model in the game, I don't remember seeing one, I know there are NPC Nautolans in SWG, but that doesn't help here, lol.



Could you not modify a tweilik or something?

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Could you not modify a tweilik or something?
Highly doubt it, Twi'lek's only have 2 lekku, Nautolans look like medusa, lol. And since we can't add any vertices to head models, It would be near impossible to turn 2 lekku into a medusa type head.
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Ugh I made that ages ago... Attempted to reskin a Quarren as a Nautolan, but unfortunately the texture wasn't high enough quality to make a /convincing/ skin, which was really disappointing because I think if it was higher quality, I would have been able to do something good with it.


I suppose if you're willing to ignore that, and the fact that the lekku are on the front, it could be used, but son I'm gonna try and reskin a Twi'lek to try and get the right 'Kit Fisto effect'.


Maybe learn to edit vertices and try my hand at changing the head model...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ugh I made that ages ago... Attempted to reskin a Quarren as a Nautolan, but unfortunately the texture wasn't high enough quality to make a /convincing/ skin, which was really disappointing because I think if it was higher quality, I would have been able to do something good with it.


I suppose if you're willing to ignore that, and the fact that the lekku are on the front, it could be used, but son I'm gonna try and reskin a Twi'lek to try and get the right 'Kit Fisto effect'.


Maybe learn to edit vertices and try my hand at changing the head model...

Thanks that would be great!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Anybody Figure out how to create a Kitt Fisto For KOTOR or TSL Yet If so can you make Kitt Fisto for me

This is thread-bumping. You just copied pasted your original request. If people haven't made your mod, there's a fair possibility it's impossible or unbelievably hard.

Just don't bump, or t3h moderators will get medieval :lightning:


You have to understand Kit Fisto is of a species that isn't in kotor. So we can create a skin, and pull it over a model, but it won't look like him at all. It would be like wearing to small/large clothes.

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This is thread-bumping. You just copied pasted your original request. If people haven't made your mod, there's a fair possibility it's impossible or unbelievably hard.

Just don't bump, or t3h moderators will get medieval :lightning:


You have to understand Kit Fisto is of a species that isn't in kotor. So we can create a skin, and pull it over a model, but it won't look like him at all. It would be like wearing to small/large clothes.



SORRY GUYS , Ok can someone make a male Twilik (did I spell that right ) with a smooth forehead and 2 tentecles not wraped around his neck maybe draped over his shoulders towards his back or just slightly showing in the front?

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Now we're talking :xp:


Couldn't find a male PC head with a smooth forehead, but I did find this:



He has the tentacles hanging over his shoulders, like you wanted :)




See Now if someone could give the green Female Twilek a more masculine face and put it on a male body To me it would be perfect!

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DO NOT bump this thread again. You can edit your first post to describe what you're wanting.. but blatant bumping will not be tolerated.


I'll lock the thread next time.




Cleaned up the thread a bit.. and Included the quote below for what Beast421 is looking for :)


Which would be: green Female Twilek with a more masculine face and put it on a male body To me it would be perfect! OR male Twilek with a smooth forehead and 2 tentecles not wraped around his neck maybe draped over his shoulders towards his back or just slightly showing in the front?
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  • 5 weeks later...

So has anybody figured out how to do a male Twilek with a smooth round forhead yet and with Shorter head tails just coming over the shoulder, Preferably green in color?






When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

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So has anybody figured out how to do a male Twilek with a smooth round forhead yet and with Shorter head tails just coming over the shoulder, Preferably green in color?

Sorry Beast421, but you were warned against 'bumping' this topic again by ChAiNz.2da We do not allow it here in the requests area for obvious reasons. As a result I have to close the thread.

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