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So this internet thing.


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I'd rather you called me directly... :naughty:

So you're the reason the MPAA exist!



That doesn't mean I'm notthey aren't after you...

I never said they weren't


"That different" doesn't imply "completely twins-like similar"...

But it does let me see through your (not that smart, I must unfortunately say) plot...

As apposed to yours, which is so obviously riddled with genius. :rolleyes:

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Now you're threatening me with sex-withdrawal?

No. I was merely stating that your behaviour is totally explainable due to the fact that you a) never had, b) are not having and c) will never have *any* sexual experiences for the rest of your useless existence. There would be a chance with your third next reincarnation, but that will be a worm, and these don't have sex, they just split.






























Har. Har. Har.

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No. I was merely stating that your behaviour is totally explainable due to the fact that you a) never had, b) are not having and c) will never have *any* sexual experiences for the rest of your useless existence.


You seem to know me pretty well... Or claim to, at least...



There would be a chance with your third next reincarnation, but that will be a worm, and these don't have sex, they just split.


Actually, (earth)worms do have sex. Moreover, they are hermaphrodite, meaning they stuff and get stuffed at the same time... Do your homework next time you try to insult me... ;P

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I consider this a Lik-Ter-Elbow move. A painful one, too.


Errr, what?


How did we get from my isp search to earthworm sex?




And McCoy, you don't have arguments


I do!


you have statements which you hope will shut everyone up but only cause us to laugh incontrollably... possibly at you.


Bozo was laughed at at first, too... ... ...

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I do!


By the powers invested in me, by the State of LucasForums, I now pronounce you and Ray, Husband and Blimp, you may not kiss each other.



Bozo was laughed at at first, too... ... ...


And I still stand by my claim that all clowns should only ever be looked upon with pity and not merth... you on the other hand, don't deserve my pity.

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