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starforge robe and revan robe bug

Darth Deralia

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Simply load up the appearance.2da file from the mod that you are using and compare it to the appearance entries out of RH's mod. Likely you will need to change the column entries for all of the player and Recruit appearances.


But yeah since your not using the appearance.2da file from the mod you are having problems with this is why your getting your glitch.

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It really isn't a 'glitch' as my textures are meant for the Masked Revan and Cutscene Revan models not the original dress-model. ;)


Also Darth Deralia, you must have an older version of my RTW/SF Booster Pack as I have made it use the patcher so it no longer comes with an appearance.2da, it now appends a pre-existing one for compatibility, the same with the original Revan/Sith/Bastila's Item Pack. :D

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I know, I got the most recent version of both mods, but I prefer the default models ,you know about the clipping issues as I just have read in the readme

and thats the reason for me to use the default ones


Now it works:

Ive installed your mods a new, opened up the appearence.2da, went to the definitions of the male caucasian 4 (the one I use), went to column modelj and texj and changed them back to the original settings (PMBJS, PMBJM, PMBJL, PMBJ), went to envmap and replaced DEFAULT with CM_BAREMETAL


please apologise that Ive not replied earlier, but I only have a dial-up modem and just can go online a few and short times in the month

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