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How do I make my unique PC selectable?

Krimsyn Kane

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i would also like to know how to do this because i downloaded scimanos's ankain skywalker but i dont want it to override darth sion.


Hopefully I am not mistaken, but I think this is the "sciamanos anakin version 3" mod. This mod is supposed to override the haspanic player skin, so what you need to do is go into your override and look for two TGA files named "N_SionA and N_SionH" and delete them out of your override. That should take care of anything overriding sions skin. Now all you should have to do is reinstall the anakin mod, and make sure the files are named "PMHH01, PMHH01d1, PMHH01d2, po_PMHH01, po_PMHH01d1, po_PMHH01d2", then you can put them in your override. Now go into your game and if you are playing as the haspanic player you should see the change when you get into your game. Also if sion still looks like anakin go into kotor tool under "ERF's-->Texturepacks-->swpc_tex_tpa.erf-->N" and look for the "N_SionA and N_SionH" files, extract them and put them into your override. That will definatly take care of the problem! So I hope this helps you.


I have two unique PC reskins out right now, I'm working on two more and I would love to know how to make them selectable on there own in the character generation screen rather then having them overwrite a character that is already there. Can anyone help?


I heard somewhere if you changed the "forpc" line in the portraits.2da to a "1" instead of a "0" it would put you chracter in the pc selectable list. I will go try it out to see if it works and I will tell you my results!


Edit: Ok I found out how to do it, you have to edit it through the portraits.2da. Here is how you do it:


Change the:


Appearence_s colum to "THE NUMBER OF YOUR NEW CHARACTERS APPEARENCE" (Which you can find in the appearence.2da file of course)


Appearence_l colum to "ALSO CAHNGE THIS ONE TO THE NUMBER OF YOUR NEW CHARACTERS APPEARENCE" (Which is also found in the appearence.2da)


Change the "forpc" colum from a "0" to a "1"


And that should do it you should have a selectable pc in the selectable characters list!


P.S.: Also I though you might want to see some screenshots of it working and a portraits.2da file screenshot for reference!



In-Game Picture 1

In-Game Picture 2

In-Game Picture 3

In-Game Picture 4

Portraits.2da Picture

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I heard somewhere if you changed the "forpc" line in the portraits.2da to a "1" instead of a "0" it would put you chracter in the pc selectable list. I will go try it out to see if it works and I will tell you my results!


There must be more to it than that; I tried doing that with my own custom NPC once and the character appeared in the selection screen headless. (In one instance, Vrook's head appeared on a female body. >_<)

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@ Master Kavar yes there is alot more to it than SithRevan has mentioned. Without custom line entries in heads.2da and appearance.2da you will never have your own custom appearance be unique.


I wrote a tutorial on the subject that is part of the main tutorial section above that includes a picture walk through to accompany what you are doing.


Here is the Tutorial. -> http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?t=149992

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I know there is more to it than just making the entries in the portraits.2da file, but what krimsyn kane was asking (I am pretty sure) was how to actually add the character to the selectable pc player list and what I said up there works pretty well for it. But I do want to say there definatly is more to setting up a new character then that, and I would reccommend using a tutorial like yours DK to setup the character for the game. So I just wanted to clear that up!:D

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Thanks for the info guys, appreciate it. I was looking for a tutorial just like that but to no avail so thanks for the link. As to what SithRevan was saying, yeah that was the biggest confusing part. I know about adding my portraits and skins to their respective 2da files and all that but I'm still going to have to work with that tutorial quite a bit. Going to give it a try now. Thanks again guys.

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but that doesnt tell me how to make a new character in appearance.3da like creating a whole new person, im not sure what to put in the SUBRACE section, in darth sions its his character, what would i put in their for a new subrace for anakin?


Well I do suggest reading Darkkender's tutorial for that, becuase I actaully have never made an appearence in the appearence.2da file. I have just modified other appearences, but as for the subrace you would put "5" for a droid (this includes ALL machines) and for humans (inculding all creatures and aliens) you would put a "6". So I hope this may answer your question, sorry about all of the confusion!:D

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